Mixed Catholic | Teen Ink

Mixed Catholic

December 10, 2015
By latreila BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
latreila BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It may be common knowledge that about 23% of U. S. citizens are Catholic, but did you know that 32% of Catholics are Hispanic and 61% of Catholics are non- hispanic whites? These percentages may seem as nothing but numbers to some, but for a girl whose father is Hispanic and mother is non- Hispanic white, is it hard to find a balance?  Are there conflicting views between different kinds of Catholics? These are questions that Sophia may be able to shine some light on. Sophia is a 14 year old year old Catholic whose father is Hispanic and whose mother is non-Hispanic white. Sophia was born into a religious family and has been going to church every Sunday since birth. Her unique firsthand perspective of a mixed racial upbringing can show how different or similar different Catholics practice the same beliefs.
How has that religion affected your day to day life?
I’m Catholic and religion is a major part of my life. It motivates me everyday to get up. Simple things like waking up are so hard for me and with God by my side all things seem so much easier.
Who introduced you to your religion and how have they affected your life?
I was introduced to my religion by my parents at first. They really have been able to show me what religion truly means. As I grew older I  remember my parents putting me in Catholic schools where my teachers began to affect my religious views. Even now I take religion classes that help me understand my religion in a new way other than learning in church.
Could you go more into depth on how your family has influenced your religion?
Well my dad and mother aren’t together anymore, but they really do try hard to make religion important in my life. My dad travels a lot for work so he isn’t able to be that involved in my life so my mother makes sure me and my brothers and sisters go to church. My dad still encourages me  to continue on my path of faith.
How does your dad encourage you?
My dad encourages me by telling me to spread my religion. He actually sent me on a trip to Nicaragua in order to teach and tell orphans about being Catholic. Spreading my religion has been a big way that my dad has told me to really show how I am a Catholic. He also goes to a Spanish speaking church and takes me there sometimes.
Do you feel that spreading your religion is important?
I do feel that it is very important. It allows me to bring what is important to me to others. Religion just makes me feel special and I really want other people to feel that same feeling. I feel like spreading my religion also makes me feel like a true Catholic.
What else besides spreading your religion makes you feel like “a true Catholic?”
One major part of my parents loves are following the seven sacraments. If you don’t know what the seven sacraments are, all that you really need to know is that they are seven basic “steps” in life that help bring Catholics closer to God. I also feel that going to church is a part of being Catholic.
What do you think of other religions?
It really depends of religion you are talking about. Overall I disagree with other religions and believe that my beliefs are true, but I do respect other views.
If your religion didn’t exist which religion would you choose?
Well first off, if my religion didn’t exist, I would probably become depressed. Life would truly be a blur because I look to God for a lot of guidance and support, but if I absolutely had to choose a religion I would choose to be Jewish. For me, the Jewish friends that I know still have a connection to God, which is important so having a religion with God at the center is important regardless of what other beliefs they practice.
Since God is so important, how would you describe him to others?
I would describe God as the almighty and creator of all mankind. I wouldn’t be able to put any physical features on him because I haven’t really been able to believe any of the already preconceived ideas of what God looks like.
How have your beliefs of God changed overtime?
Not only has my belief of God , but also my beliefs in religion had changed. When I was little I really didn’t understand God, but I just had a connection to him. As I got older though, I began to understand, but it becomes harder to stay loyal to my religion. With so much negativity in the world, it really becomes hard to stay true to yourself. For instance, my dad is from Mexico and he always has to hear people say how hispanics need to go back to where they came from, but he is just as American as anyone else.
Name a time when you felt close to God?
I felt close to God so many times. It's so hard to choose I mean I even felt close to God this morning, but God really connects to me when I hear religious music. It helps me to connect to God in an unique way.
Lastly, if you could ask God one question, what would you ask him?
I would ask him, “Is heaven real?” Heaven is such a big part of my religion and I would really like to know if it is true and how I could get there.
Sophia has lived her entire life as a Catholic, yet she and no one else can be considered a traditional Catholic because everyone is different. Sophia’s responses also show how her ethnicity has not really affected her religion. I was surprised to hear how her ethnicity has not affected her religion seeing that it has affected what church she goes.  From this interview a person could learn and even I learned how every person, not just every race, practices religion differently even if they have the same practices. Sophia has faced many difficulties living in an ethnically diverse family, but staying true to her religion has helped her become more connected to God as she goes through life.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece after spending one afternoon talking to Sophia. We were just talking about random things and she started to talk about her religion and how her family being ethnically ahs changed her opinion on various aspects of life. I wanted to learn more about her so I asked her to do a religoin with me and she agreed. I hope that people will begin to see how religion is such a sensitive topic that people deal with differently. So many aspects go into religion and the next time that people make the decision to critique religions, they should rememeber the diverse world that we live in.


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