The Plumber | Teen Ink

The Plumber

December 11, 2015
By kaitlynp BRONZE, Oxford, Massachusetts
kaitlynp BRONZE, Oxford, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Plumber
The person I interviewed is Kevin Sweeney, 51, a man who is like an uncle to me. I met Kevin when I was seven years old, and a participant in a program called Big Brother Big Sister. I was paired up with Ryan,  Kevin’s niece, and over the course of nine years we had established a strong bond. Kevin has gone through an extensive amount of events throughout his lifetime. I chose Kevin to interview because of his positive outlook on life, and because his humor had a great impact on me. We always have a good time when we see each other. I also picked him to interview because I feel comfortable enough to talk to him and hopefully I will learn something that I didn’t already know about him. 
1.What is your full name?When and where were you born?
Kevin John Sweeney. I was born on December 2,1964 in Worcester,Massachusetts.
2.What was your childhood like?
It was good. I had a good childhood. We played in the woods all the time, built  treehouses, went on a lot of hikes. We had a big farm right next to our house. There were 10 acres of corn stalks and we would run through them and play” hide and go seek.”
3. Did you experience any hardships in your life that you had to overcome and influence who you are today?

No, not really. I’ve had a good life so far

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4.Who was/is someone you admire?

My grandfather Sweeney. I admire him because after everything he had gone through, he still provided for his family and continued to have a smile on his face. After years of depression, Grandpa Sweeney continued to laugh and have good times.
5.What is something that means the absolute world to you in life?
I’d have to say relationships with family and friends, It’s the one thing in life that lasts the longest.
6.If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be and why?
To have more money. I just want to be able to travel the world, and bring my family and friends on trips. I want to be able to build one big house where all of my friends and family could live together.
7.What made you choose plumbing as a career?
Well I went to a trade school and they let you try out seven different things. I originally went there to be an electrician. I liked the class a lot, but the teacher was really boring. I tried plumbing, and I liked the hands-on activity.
8.What were some of the family traditions that you remember growing up?
During the holidays, we’d go over to our Auntie Carol’s house on Christmas Eve. Thanksgiving was always at our house. My father would have cookouts on Sundays. That was always something to look forward to.
9. What are your philosophies on life that you would share with others?
I would usually tell people to just laugh it up. Every situation could use a good laugh.
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10.What are some life values that are important to you?
Being truthful, loyalty to your friends and family.
11. List five people that have had a great impact on your life.
My grandpa Sweeney because of his courageousness. Nana because she was so sweet and no matter what she was going through she always had a smile on her face. My father because he taught me to be brave for my family. My football coach and my highschool English teacher because they never gave up on me, they always pushed me to try harder.
12.What is your philosophy on money?
Save it as much as you can. Things are so expensive nowadays it’s awful. You’ll be spending way more money than you anticipated.
13.If you could spend time with any famous person in the world, who would it be?
It would have to be Jim Carrey. We would have to hangout at his house obviously. We would shoot some hoops and laugh at a lot of  stuff, of course.

During the interview, I learned a lot of things about Kevin and his family. I’ve always heard stories about his father and grandfather, it was interesting to hear Kevin's perspective of them both. His father and grandfather had a great impact on Kevin's life. I’m extremely glad I was able to hear some of their family traditions and I was thankful that Kevin gave me the opportunity to interview him.

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