From Christian to Muslim | Teen Ink

From Christian to Muslim

December 12, 2015
By Anonymous

Religion is one of the major things that keeps people together today. Most people may get into religion because of the way some people have introduced it, how enthusiastic some people are about it, and because they know someone who is in that religion. Some people stay with the religion that they were born with, while others find something that they can relate to more. This happened to my mom. She never even heard of Muhammad before she met my dad. Back then. As a young teenager, she dated him for awhile and he introduced her into the Lost Found Nation Of Islam. I chose to interview her because she is a prime example of changing religions not only because of her influence, but because she found out things for herself and made a decision of what the truth was for her. Today, she is very grateful for the choices she made such as trusting my dad and supporting his beliefs.
Who introduced you into your religion and how?
My husband introduced me to my religion by inviting me out to a meeting.
How has your religion influenced your family on a daily basis?
My religion influence[s] my family on a daily basis by [helping us] be trustworthy and truthful to each other every day.
Have you ever tried to share your religion with anyone? How did it go?
Yes, I have, but everytime I tell someone, they have their own opinion on how they feel religion should be based on how they grew up. Sometimes it's [a] good thing but other times people make their own choices good or bad.
Describe God as you understand him.
I understand God to be a human being man. Flesh and blood, born of the spirit, and protector of his chosen people.
What do you think about other beliefs?
I think that they are just beliefs. There is only one God. The maker, the owner, and cream of the planet earth. There are a lot of different beliefs, but there is only one true God.
    How have your beliefs changed over time?
My beliefs changed over time because as a young child I only believed in what was taught by my parents with a experience, but as I grew older, I realized that my parents couldn't live life for me. I had to live and believe for myself, so life changed me and my beliefs changed as I did. Im stronger now. I know who God is now. Not from what I was taught as a kid, but what I learned as an adult.
    Why do you believe in God?
I believe in God because he first believed in me. He never gave up on me. I know that I'm one of the chosen.

    Some things that we learned as a child cannot carry on as an adult. This was shown in the questions given to my mom. As we grow older, we learn to think for ourselves and find out what the truth is for us, whether it is that Jesus walked on water, or that all of man is God and it's physically impossible to walk on water. Either way, we know that people influence us whether we are two or 22. Sometimes, the influence can be the best thing that ever happened to us. (555 words)
          After doing this interview with my mom, I saw her in a different light. Usually, I see her as a busy person who wouldn't have time for things such as religious studies. After this interview, I see her as a spiritual woman who keeps her religion close along with her family. Another thing that makes this interview special to me is the transition from Christianity. Not only did she go against her childhood, she went against her family and close friends and stood up for facts and what she believed in. Today, she is proud of her decision and wouldn't change it.

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