Nature Has a Superpower? | Teen Ink

Nature Has a Superpower?

May 6, 2016
By Anonymous

Ah, nature. The memorable smell of saturated oak trees, the sound of various bird chirping in the distance--with the occasional decipherable superstitious woodpecker knocking on wood. The beautiful vista of a multi-colored sunset that becomes the go-to mental image whenever that word is mentioned (haven’t we all experienced that life-changing evening?). Whether driving long-distance or enjoying an extensive walk in the wild wood, like I often do, I assume we’ve all experienced the breathtaking beauty of some of what Mother Nature has to offer; however, I dare to guess you’ve never thought deeply about its super effect on you.

Perhaps also oblivious to the positive effects of nature is a simple high school student, who is planning a not-so-simple trip for her after-graduation gap year. 16-year-old Alex is planning a 2,600 mile hike on the Pacific Crest Trail. Stretching from the border of Mexico to Canada’s border, this hike is no easy venture; just the challenge Alex feels she needs. After experiencing the tragic loss of her beloved grandmother to Pulmonary Fibrosis at the age of 6, she’s felt an unwelcome change in her character. Ambitious Alex aims to impact multiple aspects of her life: her fitness level; her character, to become more open-minded tough, and to find herself as a person; in preparation for the FBI career she aspires toward; to find plenty of time to think, away from the influences of other people; and to prove to her skeptics she can do it. I personally wondered if she, according to science, would be able to accomplish such a feat.

After a bit of research, I happily found the science, in fact, does line up with her plans. According to a multitude of experiments, nature nurtures us in a multitude of ways. While urban environments tend to drain and strain, according to the Attention Restoration Theory (ART), natural environments promote a primal peace in all who spend time engrossed in it. Further noted is the way “nature restores mental functioning in the same way that food and water restore bodies” (Alter). I was excited to show her my findings.

I , like most, had never thought about nature having a direct impact on my mental health. Although most are unaware, our nearest flora and fauna can feed us with an abundance of healthy impacts--like a hidden superpower. When’s the last time you spent some quality time with Mother Nature?

The author's comments:

Works Cited
Alter, Adam. "How Nature Resets Our Minds and Bodies." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company,
29 Mar. 2013. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.


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