Ding Dong Ditch Chase | Teen Ink

Ding Dong Ditch Chase

October 18, 2018
By Anonymous

It’s a chilled, stormy, and frosty night. My friend Mitchell and I were going into this neighborhood that wasn’t in his neighborhood. We were wearing snow pants, snow hats, and snow boots. We were very excited to go on our “walk” (which is ding dong ditching). We go to our first house. We walk up to the door and Mitchell runs up to the door. I hear a loud ring! We run for it and we hide behind hedges we wait to see if there's a guy that is going to the door. Mitchell says “ I think we can go to the next house.” So we get up and we go run away.
We start walking again we go into a cul de sac and in the middle, there's a grey house we see that there is a light on. We walk up to the window and we see that there is a guy watching TV with his dog. I walk up to the door and I see that the guy has moved and I try to find him but then I just ring the doorbell. I tell Mitchell to go to the backyard so we sprint to the backyard. We hide under a tree like little squirrels. We wait for there for a few minutes then this man comes out to the back with the blinding light on. The man was tall, angry, and stubborn.

He comes out with his large dog. The dog was barking as loud as a bear in the wilderness. I see the shadow of the dog it looked humongous. I look at Mitchell and he looked like he just saw a ghost. The man said to the dog “ go get them.”

We get up from our spot and we start to sprint as fast as a cheetah. I look behind and the dog was a lion how fast it was running after us. We get to a street and we I look behind me and I see that there is no dog behind us anymore and I just lay down on the ground and look into the sky. We run away trying to terminate the situation.

I get up and walk to the road and we look at each other as a water buffalo was chasing us. We walk back to his house as we were scared for our lives. I see a car coming so we hide in the snow so they wouldn’t see us. Because if the guy was trying to find us then we would have to try to hide from him. We get back to his house and we are so terrified of what has occurred but we still are worried about the guy finding us. We finally were calming down and started to do other things and we were just still kind of hyped about what happened that night. I still think about that moment as a night that was crazy how we got into that situation.

In life, we have times where we are scared, happy and mad. What I have learned about this situation is to not go ding dong ditching and to not hide in the backyard of a house. I also learned that you shouldn’t just run away from your problems because it will just create more problems than it stops. This was a good lesson that I have learned and I wouldn’t have known about it if I didn’t have this experience to learn from.

The author's comments:

Authors Note: I chose to write this piece because I wanted to write about an experience that I have had and how it changed my life forever. I also chose this piece because I have a very vivid memory about what happened on that day. I want you to learn a lesson about how you should not be bad at ding dong ditching and not getting caught.

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