My Name essay | Teen Ink

My Name essay

October 21, 2021
By 3varhol BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
3varhol BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Name Essay

Carson is a name that I never really enjoyed having—except for it not being very common. I know only one other person with the same name. I feel like this can also be a good thing because when someone says or mentions your name, there is not much confusion.

When I think of Carson from the outside I think of someone who is very into athletics and a good sense of humor. I think of a darker blue color like a color that you would see deep in the ocean. I think of swimming freely deep in the ocean. To correlate a number with my name I would choose three. I think the three does however somewhat represent a “C” which is the first letter of my name. A connection I have to the number 3 is that it has always been my favorite number which I feel is significant to me. 

Although my name isn’t said that most fluidly, I still feel like my name is more of a smooth flowy type of texture. Carson, when written, has many rounded curves. How it's a very calm and flowy type. 

Ultimately, I dislike my name. When I have to say my name in public I have trouble saying my “r’s” so I pronounce my name sometimes as “Cawrson” instead of “Carson.” But , I feel like it is a name that fits me well. 

I remember asking my parents long ago why they picked my name. They told me they had a few options, one of them being “Ben.” I could see myself as Ben. but my full name would be Benjamin. I would have to tell teachers to call me Ben instead of Benjamin. I would hate having to do that all the time. I'm glad they did not choose that name. Another name that my parents thought of naming me was “Dylan. I don’t know why but I do not like the name “Dylan” very much. I feel like I do not look at all like Dylan.

I believe that my name is sort of common but it’s not too common. Not  to the point where I get annoyed with people saying my name. Finding out there talking to someone else. I know a few celebrities that have my name, for example, Carson Palmer and Carson Daily. This makes me a little bit more proud to be a Carson. 

All in all I don’t mind my name too much and almost enjoy it more than the other options I could’ve had. I feel like I can see myself being in the deep ocean doing some sort of activity like sur fing or something which is why I relate those to my name.  

The author's comments:

This is a piece I wrote for composition class

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