My Name Essay | Teen Ink

My Name Essay

October 11, 2022
By sufly24 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
sufly24 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Suzy. Susan. Susana. All names for Suzanne. 

But I prefer Suzy. Not the most popular name, but there are many different meanings. Suzy means Lily. Lily signifies purity, innocence, and grace. Innocence and purity mean freedom. My soul is smooth and pure. It is natural and calm.

My name smells like flowers. Like a tulip blooming in the spring. My name tastes like candy, sweet and soft. Just like a bag of Swedish Fish on a cool summer day. Suzy feels smooth but she’s also rough around the edges. Suzy sounds like a glass breaking. 

Like candy, I am as sweet as can be. I love caring for others. I love spreading kindness throughout the world. Flowers are soft. Flowers smell good. Flowers bloom brightly. Suzy brightens up people’s days like a flower blooming in the spring. 

Suzy is smooth. She likes to go with the flow. She sounds like a glass breaking. Although Suzy wants to go with the flow, she is fragile and sensitive to the things she loves.

My parents named me Suzy for a reason. When I was born, I almost died.  My mother couldn’t have me because she was sick, so I was born by a surrogate. I got really sick. My surrogate, Julia, also had a daughter. Her name was Suzy. My parents named me Suzy after my surrogate's daughter. I was a miracle. 

Suzy is a natural-born leader, who is highly focused, and achievement-oriented. All of those qualities are what make me, me. I love taking action, I love doing things for people, and I love achieving my goals. 

Suzy is a perfect fit. Suzy describes me. My name teaches people who I am. I love that.

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