Don't Quit | Teen Ink

Don't Quit

May 31, 2024
By iceberg11 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
iceberg11 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Going into this game I had no intentions of winning or even coming close. The opposing team was pretty good and it showed during IO (Infield, Outfield). They didn't make any mistakes during their IO, just played perfect baseball. I was starting to get nervous that we didn't have it in us to win this game. They made us look like a tee-ball team. When the game started I was prepared for us to go home sad and feeling like we didn't accomplish anything like a garbage bag floating in the wind.

The first four innings went quickly, like lighting, and without any scares in the process. During this inning which is now the 5th, something changed, it felt as if we were the predator and they were the prey. We were the lion and they were the mouse. We destroyed them that inning scoring 4 runs in the process and I started feeling hopeful that we had a shot to win this game. We need to keep this energy up and think we are gonna win if we want to have a chance.

Everything changed in the 5th inning, They swarmed us like a school of sharks circling the little fish, which indeed was us that inning. It was like they were angry sharks feining for some food. The bat was the shark and the ball was the little fish, It kept on getting eaten and eaten. 1 run scored, then a second, Then another, and another, Until finally they were full. It was now 4-7, in that inning it was like they unplugged us from the charger, draining us of our energy. 

I now didn't believe we were capable of coming back from this deficit.

We all walked into the dugout tired and looked dead. No one had a smile on their face, all our emotions got wiped away by a huge wave from the other team. Our coach still believed we could win and he was gonna do everything in his power to make that come true. It was the last inning since we were running on a time limit. So our coach said to us “I know we are down but that doesn't mean we quit, When things are hard in life do you quit, NO, you keep fighting until you get what you are aiming for, SO go out there and put up a fight and don't quit”. I took that to heart and was going around the dugout telling the team that we still got this and I believed we still had this game in the bag. 

Going into this inning knowing it was our last we had to come prepared, and that speech that coach had helped our team with the energy and overall vibe of the game. The first batter is up to bat and all you can hear is us screaming out of our shoes and just feeding off positive energy. This casted a spell of good luck upon us since the first 2 batters got walked and then the next guys hit a double to bring the game to 7-7. The dugout was pumped and I started believing that we were going to win and I kept telling myself that we were going to. 

The next batter was walked, When ball 4 was thrown we all went crazy. We sounded like a siren warning the other team that we were still here to play. The runner on first stole second and then advanced to 3rd on a passed ball. We were all on our feet as we watched the pitch, all we heard was the sound of a bell, DING, as the ball went over the 1st baseman's head and dropped right in front of the right fielder. The winning run came across the plate and we instantly went out on the field and swarmed him like a bunch of bees swarming their hive. The coach's words Don't Quit were repeated in my head, making me believe never to quit no matter the circumstance. Always push through and finish what you started. 

From that day on I've learned a very important life lesson, don't give up on something just because it doesn't go right, or it's too hard. You have to believe in yourself to make things come true and if you put your mind to it and say I can do this it will come true. If you don't believe it, try it for yourself, it's what helped us win our game since we didn't give up when the game got hard, we pushed through and won. So take this as a sign, whenever something challenging comes up in your life, don't quit.

The author's comments:

I've learned a very valuable lesson from this day and very glad I went through this experience 

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