Why Do We Care So Much? | Teen Ink

Why Do We Care So Much?

June 6, 2024
By AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A very impactful lesson I learned was to not care about the small things. Caring about the small things in life exhausts people and makes life miserable. Sometimes there are things you can't control and therefore just have to let be. When I was younger I used to care about every little thing. Especially when it was a truly small impact and didn’t really matter. There was this constant dark cloud over me ready to pour whenever the slightest inconvenience came up. I never understood what was going on and what I was doing was just draining myself.

 Freshman year of highschool came around and little did I know, so would one of the biggest lessons to ever affect me. I took a class called leaders mindset with Mr.Witty, and learned some things I never quite understood. I learned that our minds are made to fit in so we think people are constantly judging us even when they aren't. It finally snapped in my brain and I felt like I was able to float because the weight lifted was so relieving. The feeling of true relaxation and pureness of life is impossible to explain. 

The second most important thing I learned in leaders mindset was E+R=O. This doesn't mean much at a first glance, but once you go into detail it is a very important lesson. Sometimes we are not able to control the things that happen to us, but something we can ALWAYS control is how we respond. Whether it is one of the biggest or smallest moments in our life we always have the choice of how we react or if we even react at all. Winning a state championship is a very reasonable time to react with very strong and excited emotions… but tripping on the way into school? That really is such a small part of our day but it can be make or break depending on how we react. If we choose to react to something as small as tripping, our day will be a lot longer and more difficult. If we choose to laugh it off and have a positive mindset, the day will be easier and much simpler. 

Everything that happens to us is a form of pulling a reaction out, but sometimes no reaction is needed. The small things specifically do not need to be worried about. Those are things that have no real effect so why put energy and effort into caring. People are always too caught up in their own business to be worrying about others, so why do we care what others think? The truth is, we make life more difficult for ourselves by caring so much. So to live a relaxing but understanding life, care about the things that truly have an effect and truly matter instead of situations that will never be thought of again.

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