This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

May 30, 2013
By AWhitesell SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
AWhitesell SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Deal with what you got

I am a human being put on this planet to do great things, but that hasn’t worked to a full success. I’m not an average human being, I’m a ROCK! I’m actually a cold, judgmental rock is some basic words and clues you could use to describe me. I only show and value two things in my life and those are my sense of creativity and leadership. I use my creativity to express myself in several places, but sometimes if you go to your roots and draw what they were, you can get in trouble in lots of places. I drew a couple recently for my religion and beliefs and ancestors, and I got in trouble, but people with their religion and root symbols in their binders or around their necks, they don’t get in trouble, which turns me in the rock I am today.

My early to mid childhood was filled with many tears, for others. In Michigan, I was brutal to my cousin, by pushing him off a 10 ft. slide at age four, pushed into a railroad track, and making him cry and bleed from beating him with Lego. I walked around with, “a chip on my shoulder,” as many people say. I left places in style, ditched people, and laid them out. When I was young, I always showed aggression and this is what got me leadership as I was able to take charge and take the lead of several clique’s and groups. Leadership is something I show a lot throughout my life and is something, without it, I’d be normal.

In the first of thirty- seven amendments, my freedom of expression and religion were taken away from me by the school because they possibly could’ve offended someone or group of people. If you can’t have it out because of race and/ or belief, other shouldn’t be allowed theirs out around their necks or in publicly visible places if it offends others. You shouldn’t get your amendments taken away, unless someone complains and actually says something about it. The amendments weren’t broken in a negative way towards anybody and actually didn’t offend or actually turn anything bad, so it, and, I shouldn’t have gotten punished and I believe that was an unfair and biased decision since no one was offended, no complaints, and it didn’t physically harm/ scar anyone. I know they are limited at school and government environments and learning places, but it wasn’t fair for some religion and beliefs to be taken away and others to be kept. Freedom is something my creativity and everything and everyone else needs.

I believe everyone else should be fair and the creativity and our freedom should be spread. Since this is basically a, “This Is What “I” Believe,” and I’m basically speaking it out and already saying my beliefs, I believe I made all the points of how creativity and freedom make me a person and the rock I am.

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