The True Me | Teen Ink

The True Me

October 4, 2013
By Curtis24 BRONZE, Tustin, Michigan
Curtis24 BRONZE, Tustin, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Dont gain the orld and lose your soul wisdom is better than silver & gold
by:Zion Train

People think that having one less parent is easier than having two around, cause you don't get in trouble as much with both parents. Yeah I guess it is, but at the same time it truly stinks. when you need some advice from your dad/mom but can't go to him/her, so you have to go to your dad/mom and she/he doesn't know the answer. Kids without both parents have had a hard time in life, yeah going through a divorce is tough, but not as bad as having a parent gone for your entire life.

Growing up the past 13 years not having that one person you need the most. Having tears rolling down my face. Knowing it started all at such a young age, I was probably about the age of 6 years old when I was told by my mom for the first time that my dad had died. Especially dealing with it for two different dates a year.

Father’s Day and December 22nd are two days I just can’t handle my fathers death. Just knowing that I had my life change at such a young age. At the age of 3 I had my best friend, my hero, the man who loved me the most, but most of all the guy who I could call my father. It was his 40th Birthday, he didn’t even get to live as long as he even wanted too. I know it’s not my brother’s fault, but it was the drivers fault behind them. As they were driving home from a party my dad’s work had thrown him, and drinking as he was. My dad had my brother Josh drive home. Hitting a black ice patch and hitting a tree from a drunk driver. My dad and brother both got rushed to the hospital. But by time the ambulance got to the hospital, sadly to say my father did not make it. That man now has to deal with knowing he had killed someone’s dad, best friend, and son.

Being 16 years old without a father is pretty harsh. Day after day, year after year it gets even harder. Wondering why did I have to be the one who has to deal with problems without a dad to help along. Having to deal with such hard problems after 13 years. Without my dad you would think I would be fine and know what to do. But not yet, I have a life long journey ahead of me. Now, I have had my friends that I was very close to and their dads, I also had my sister Jacquelines dad for the past 12 years. I had so many people who tried to fill that one spot in my heart. But never can, cause I know NO ONE can fulfill that one spot, but there is only one person that can and thats my dad.

I fall into tiny pieces every time, if I think, see or even hear about it. Its a difficult thing to do as a young girl who tries in life or falls in love, but ends up getting her heart broken anyways, and can’t even come home and talk to my own father about her problems. The one thing I wish I had the most in the world is my dad. To come home and be with my brother and I.

Having someone to protect me, cause I know my mom can't do it all the time. The one thing a young girl should be proud to have a dad around. But me, no I have my mom and sometimes thats all I need. My dad is always in my heart and I love him no matter what. But having him watch over me is even better. Being a 16 year old girl thats strong, beautiful, and has an amazing life with and ahead of her. Being a daddy’s girl is not a bad thing some people think oh hey they get whatever they want. Well for me not even close, I fight, I beg and even live to get something from my dad. Being strong is the number one thing I ever had done. Growing up fighting all the problems I had with the bullying, being short, not having a father and a role model to see happen when it came to dating guys. None of this had happen for me, so I had to be strong and do it on my own for the past 16 years. So don't be afraid to do anything in life stand up for yourself and just be you, because if anything happens its that you're being strong and caring about how you feel about what happens in your life.

The author's comments:
having this story written makes me feel better that I can have some read it and feel how i have been feeling my whole life

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