Nothing to Write About | Teen Ink

Nothing to Write About

March 13, 2014
By Anonymous

“Nothing to Write About”

It was just another day in 5th grade and I was in Comm. Arts. Like always, I had nothing to write about. I sat there for 10 minutes just trying to get an idea. Then I got an idea: I could write about nothing to write about. It wouldn’t be too interesting but it would work. So I started to write. This is what I wrote…

“I am writing and have nothing to write about. I have no idea what to write about. I wish I was full of ideas and that I had a pencil that was not broken. All I want is an idea to write about. Should I write about my broken pencil or the sun? If I write about the sun that would be boring, and if I write about my broken pencil I don’t know what to say. What if I write about a stop sign? But all they do is just stand there and tell people to stop. They tell people to stop but no one listens. All people do is stop for one second or two and then go. Why don’t they stop until the stop sign is gone or it says go. Do you know what I mean? Shouldn't the sign say stop for one second and then go because that’s what people do. This is getting boring; I should write about something else.

I have nothing to write about. I feel like a loner because everyone has something to write about except for me. I wonder if I should pretend to write but not actually write. The other day I spent half of the time sitting there trying to think of an idea. I just looked at my writing and I already wrote one page; that is impressive. The teacher just said that we had to share our writing. “Wait a minute” he said that it was optional. So got to go and listen to people with ideas and they will rub it in my face. I wish I had an idea. Oh well, have to go to lunch.”

I went to lunch and continued my day. At the end of the day my Comm. Arts teacher told me to come to his room. I knew this wasn't going to be good. When I was walking down to the room, a bunch of things were running through my head. Once I got down there he was holding my writing. I thought this wasn't going to be good. He told me that there was a lot of things out there that I could write about and that I had to actually write two pages about something by tomorrow.

When I got home I had to start on that paper right away because I knew that it would take a while just for me to think of an idea. So there I was sitting there for a good two hours or so before I got an idea. It was going to write about my dog. So I started to write and I got stuck at the end of page one. So there I was again trying to think of an idea to write about my dog. After a few snacks I came up with telling the story about that one time I was walking the dog. I would write about when my dog Rosie pull me into the ditch and I fell into a pile of poop. That was not fun. But funny at the same time. So I wrote and the writing was the two pages my teacher wanted!

When I got to school the next day I gave my paper to the Comm. Arts teacher. He said he would get back to me at lunch. So now I have to waste half of the school day worrying if he would okay it or not. It was time for lunch, and for the first time in my life I didn't want to go to lunch. Towards the end of lunch he came up to me and said that it was okay and to make the writing more interesting next time. When I heard this I thought my head was going to explode. I am not known for my brilliance, and it takes a lot of brilliance to think of something interesting. When I got home I immediately had to rest my brain and do something fun for once. So I went outside and played with my brother. When I went to bed I got a good idea to write about. I finally had a good idea! I was going to write about my vacation because it had a lot of events in it. If only I could remember that idea until it was writing time next week!

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