my bike injury | Teen Ink

my bike injury

February 19, 2015
By littlebuddy BRONZE, Marysville, Washington
littlebuddy BRONZE, Marysville, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a very burning hot day, with birds flying high. All you could hear was kids laughing, having a good time in the summer. People were wearing booty shorts and swimsuits, because the sun was making us feel burnt, like a marshmallow that had caught on fire.
Once I was riding my bike I got for Christmas.  My friends and I were riding bikes. We were hanging out having a good time talking and having fun. We all had flip flops, shorts, and tank tops on because it was summertime. All of us started to do tricks on our bikes to show each other. My friends already performed there trick. It was finally my turn to perform my trick in front of all of them. I was so nervous because I just learned how to do this trick, where you put your foot on the tire while you’re riding the bike.  “Come on Mackenzie you're a baby.” screamed Naomi. So I started to pedal to go really fast and I put my foot on my tire. Then I flipped over on my handle bars but my toe got caught in between the tire and the bar that holds the tire. "Oww!" I shouted in pain. My friends could hear me moaning in pain. I thought I broke my toe; my friends didn't come near my bike because they thought I was pranking them. I didn't get up for a while so they finally came over where the bike was. They saw that my toe was stuck in my bike tire.
“Are you okay?” said my neighborhood friends.
“No just go get my mom please.” I screamed. My entire neighborhood friends rushed to my house and banged on my door till my mom came to the door.
“What’s wrong?” my mom said. “Mackenzie fell off her bike.” yelled Naomi. My mom came running over to me when she heard I was hurt. After about 30 minutes I finally got my toe out of the tire. It felt like paradise because I got my toe out of the tire.  I was so happy my toe didn't break. My toe was very badly bruised. I touched my toe to see if I could move it but it felt really swollen and it looked purple and all scratched up. I couldn't walk on it for about a week. It felt like someone cut off my toe because it was so swollen. Finally it was all better after that week of pain.

My lesson I learned was never to try new tricks on things without thinking because they could be as dangerous as a great white shark. This memory was the most important to me because it was the worst bike accident I've ever had. Also it’s really important to me because it shows me that my friends and family care about me a lot . I know that because my mom was so shocked that I got hurt she was bolting to get to me when I got hurt.

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