King of Ball | Teen Ink

King of Ball

November 18, 2015
By QuinnBCD BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
QuinnBCD BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For my family, who I will Love Forever



       Table of Contests
  The Quinn…………………………………Page 1

Blonde………………………………………..Page 2

My Dad Who Coaches Me…………..Page 3

The Game…………………………………...Page 4

Neighborhood……………………………..Page 5

My Dream……………………………………Page 6


The Quinn

My name is Irish, meaning Counsel. Counsel means advice given. Quinn is a cool counselor who can make you laugh for 1000 years. I didn’t get my first name from anyone but my middle name is my father’s name, it is Michael. I love my name because it is like the Hawaiian Islands so unique. I almost never meet someone with my name. Some people say if their friend had the same name it would be cool but that happen to me once and it was annoying. I don’t want another name, but if I did I would pick Jupiter. This is because it relates to being mighty and I want to be mighty in life. But sometimes my name can fail me. When you go to toy stores I can never find the little key chains or name plates or even the mugs with my name on them, but that is ok, my name is still great. To me my name means great. This is because I want to be great, I want my name to show who I am. But my name means counselor, Quinn who is the cool counselor. Even though my name does not mean what I would like it to or it is not made on key chains and mugs, I can’t think of having another name that fits me so well.




My hair. My hair is like the wavy sun on my head. It has a tint of red on parts like splattered red paint on a blonde canvas. None of the people in my family have this kind of hair, nor does my extended family have my kind of hair. My mom has just all blonde, like she has had her whole life. My brother Reilly has hair like my mom, light as fresh baked rolls. As a child my dad had bright blond hair, almost white. My brother Liam has that hair, bright as 100 stars. I say it is white, like snow with sun gleaming off. Nobody has hair as unique as mine. Always in the morning it wakes up tired and crazy. I have to take a while to fix it. When I put my hair up in the morning it cooperates with me like it knows I am on my way to school. It can impress and embarrass. I love the blond bushel of hair that flies when I run, explodes when I sleep, and looks fabulous every day. Yes, I have a little ego.



My Dad Who Coaches Me

My Dad never played basketball as a kid, just hockey. So he wasn’t an expert on basketball or even the NBA. From a young age I loved to play basketball. I started out on a little Fisher Price hoop in my basement. My Dad played with me for a long time on that hoop. Gradually I grew and was able to shoot on a real hoop, even though the hoop was not at full height. When I got on a real team my Dad practiced with me and taught me how to shoot. When I was 6 or 7 I got on a YMCA team. I was smaller than a lot of the other kids but that didn’t stop me. I was like a little steam engine ready to run. Then when I was 8, I played for my school and my Dad really started coaching me and helping me with basketball. I played for my school through 7th grade. In 6th grade, though, I joined a club team called the Colorado Thunder. The definition of what a Club team is, is that the team travels around the state they are in, some even out of state. They also sell team merchandise. My club team has season during the fall (August to end of October) and during the spring (March to July). My club team coach calls me Speedy Gonzalez because I am the fastest steam engine on the floor. My Dad has helped me so much for me club team. When we play he is really good and I say “How are you so good?” “You didn’t even play as a kid” and that makes him laugh. I love my Dad and am so happy and grateful that he helps me and coaches me so much in basketball. He is like a father lion and I am his teenage cub that he is teaching and coaching.



The Game

It was a normal tournament for my basketball team, 45 minutes from our house. When we got there we had to watch the other game finish up. We then warmed up and got ready for the game. Our coach put us in a higher division so the teams were better. I knew I could only go to 2 of the 3 games because I had to perform at my concert. The game started and we started slow like we had just woken up from a long nap. We were down by 15 when I checked in. I came in and was playing well. I got 3 assists before I was checked out again. Later in the game, beginning of the 4th quarter I think, when I was in, the other team stole the ball and gave the ball to their tank. I was back, the only one back on defense. He was barreling at me like a train at full speed. Then we collided. It felt like a thousand kids ran into me. When I hit the ground I immediately felt my neck shift. The ref immediate called a charge and the crowd went crazy. It took a while for us both to get up but when I did I ran straight to my team’s bench and asked for a sub. I thought for sure it was broken. My coach helped my breath again, and proved it wasn’t broken. I was out for the rest of the game. After the game I sat in my car with my dad. I didn’t think I could play the second game. I decided about 10 minutes later I would play the second game. When the game started I got the ball, took it in, and scored. Then a few plays later I came down and hit a 3. By the time I had to go I had 15 points and 3 assists. When I was playing I didn’t even think about my neck. That game gave me confidence and proved I can score at high levels.



The new neighborhood I moved into is a very nice neighborhood. It is not too big, but big enough so we only know some people. When my friends come to my neighborhood they look at the houses towering like castles and they are amazed. Amazed like a rat when he finds fresh food on the ground. My house had construction going on all summer, it was crazy. While my house was nice, it was horrible not having a yard all summer. The workers kicked up so much dust I felt as if I was in a desert. Eternities went by and finally the house was starting to feel like home. When the workers put in the grass and finished up the plants they were done, finally they were done. It felt like home like the place that I feel most comfortable. I could finally play in the grass and let out my energy. The fire places and couches really feel like a place I can relax during the cold winter nights, cold as Elsa’s castle from Frozen. My new house is very big to both me and my friends. Even though my house is big, I look at my neighborhood and see the castles looming with the kings and queens being catered with nice cars and money.  I love my house, its location, its view, and most of all its comfort. Its comfort with reliable heating systems, blankets, warm beds and no loud construction from 7 am to 6 pm. The couch’s arms wrap around you like a loving mother to warm you. Without the dust and the noise, my house is my home my room is roomy, and I love it. It is my home.

My Dream

For a whole year now I have been watching a show called American Ninja Warrior. It is where men and women try to complete a set of obstacles. They run and jump like monkeys in a lush forest. My dream is to be one of those monkeys. I want to have the upper body strength those monkeys have; I want to be able to jump with the monkeys. One day this dream half came true. My dad, brothers and I found a park, and we used the monkey bars and other assets of the playground to make a partial ninja warrior course. Whenever I go to that park I always spend so much time practicing and training. When I do the obstacles they are pushing me back, not wanting me to reach my goal. The courses I do use different techniques to make me fail. Some make themselves slippery, and some give me bad blisters and say, “And never come back!” But little do they know I will be back, they don’t know my goal. When I complete the “park course” I will smash the button, which says I finished, with all my might. Like that button will take me to my goal. At a recess one day I went to the playground at my school, and I could transform the park into a ninja course. I attacked the course with speed and agility. My blond bush of hair on my head getting wet from all of my sweat and flying back as I do the course. I feel as if I am traveling at 1000 miles per hour and I finished the course on the first try. I could feel it, I was close to reaching my goal, my insane and crazy goal.




The author's comments:

This memoir was inspired by The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros 

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