Feeling Like Cinderella | Teen Ink

Feeling Like Cinderella

March 2, 2016
By 19lp01 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
19lp01 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

FI was 5, an only child. Until they came along. An almost perfect family with the only thing
missing, a dad. I didn’t belong in that equation. I was never meant to be apart of her “perfect
family.” I tried and tried to fit into the molded family of ours. 

I gained three new sisters who I love. The oldest, Alicia, is twenty three. She takes me to
get Taco Bell whenever we are feeling hungry and there is nothing at home. We sorta share a
room. She has to go through mine to get to hers so we are together a lot. Except when she is
working or in class. I couldn’t ask for a better older sister. Abby is twenty one, and she is the
exact opposite of Alicia. She lives in an apartment at the college she goes to. She is a snot! She
says I “stole” her room. My dad said I could move out of the room my little sister and I shared.
Lastly my little step sister, Corah who is ten. She is very funny and entertaining. We like to have
goofy dance parties in my room and rip the fourwheeler around at our cabin. After a long day,
she is the one person I want to talk to. I couldn’t ask for a better best friend as my sister.

As I got older things got a lot harder. For starters my stepmom yells at me all the time.
About nothing! I will be sitting at the table doing my homework, which she told me to do, and she
would start yelling at me because my room was a mess when I cleaned it the day before. She sucks at cooking. Everything is organic and healthy, not that I am complaining about eating healthy food but really, where's the chocolate? Even the peanut butter is organic, it’s gross almond butter from Berkeley's. But worst of all she is manipulative. Everything I do wrong she spins up a story worse than it actually is to tell my dad. The story is normally so bad that he believes her and not me so no matter what I am always getting in trouble.

My dad rarely tells me what to do because of her. For example, cleaning my room. As
soon as she says something he is off on me to do this and that and yelling at me just as much
as her. A good example from just a couple weeks ago I got a new comforter and sheets for
Christmas and I was putting them on before we left for the cabin. My dad came downstairs and
asked when I was going to clean the old sheets and comforter up. I said since we are leaving for
the cabin in a couple of minutes, I will do it when we get home. My dad said it was fine if I do
that. That’s when my stepmom decided to go downstairs and see. She immediately started
yelling at me about it and my dad went along with it. After he said it was fine if I cleaned it up
when we got back! But it’s not just my room I am always cleaning. It’s the whole house with no
help. She rarely makes Corah or Alicia help. I think that Corah is gets older she is doing more
chores to be paid but when I was ten I asked to do chores for money and both Lisa and my dad
said that they shouldn’t have to pay me and that I should be doing the chores anyway.

I still can’t stand being there. The first time I didn’t go to his house I was about thirteen.
My grandpa was sick and hospitalized but my dad has no sympathy so he didn’t care. He said
since it was his time I should be there and not with my grandpa. Being at my moms is a better
enviorment for me. I feel like everyone there loves me, not just a couple of people. 

I am not the only person who feels this way. My little stepsister, Corah, can’t wait to be
with her dad every time she goes there. Her mom makes her feel stupid and she is always
yelling at her. 

I do love my dad but I don’t feel like I fit in at all. I just wish things could’ve turned out
different. It might be because at my moms it is just her and me. We are very close because of
thats well.

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