Charlie Bit Me | Teen Ink

Charlie Bit Me

May 5, 2016
By olivianewcomb GOLD, Ofallon, Missouri
olivianewcomb GOLD, Ofallon, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The last week of December, right before New Years. A van pulled up at my grandparents house and people of the mexican race  asked if they had any sheep. My grandmother replied with “No, we have goats”. My grandmother then saw a kitten come from around their van. The people then got in their van and drove away. My grandpa said to bring the kitten inside because it was too cold for it to survive.

All of this happened when i was away at my moms because our roof caught on fire New Year's weekend. I heard about the little kitten at my grandparents house and immediately wanted to go over and play with it. Our last cat out of two had recently passed and I was longing to have a cat again. I absolutely love cats. The weekend we had to stay over at my grandparents due to the shutoff of electricity and water. When we got over to their house i went straight to looking for the kitten. Once i found it in a cage with a blanket over so it wouldn't hiss at us, I got it out. The kitten was grey with blue grey eyes, super fluffy and full of energy.  I fell in love, I started to talk to my father and stepmom to pursue them to let me take it home.

The ultimate decision was up to my stepmom. The two cats we had before were hers and if it was too soon to have another i wouldn't take the kitten we would just give it to a shelter. She said i could keep it because she fell in love too. My grandma said the kitten was a girl so we were calling her by girl names. I was playing with her and looked at her big furry belly and just to make sure i looked and checked to see if she was a girl, in fact the kitten was a boy. We then had to figure out a name for him, not that he is a boy. Long story short my step mom ended up naming MY kitten charlie. At first i hated the name because i didn't get to name my first cat but later i really liked the name.

Charlie loved to play. When he was let out of the cage he ran all over the sunroom to the kitchen and back to the sunroom. I would go and try to pick him up but he's too quick and already half way up my body climbing. I never really had to pick him up, he always climbed up me. Shortly after we were able to go back to our house. My father had cleaned up the house from all the insulation.

Bringing Charlie home was so fun! With charlie being my cat I had his litter and food in my room. Along with a cat we have two dogs, with that we didn't want them getting into charlies food or litter so we had to put a gate in my doorway. My step mom helped me out with getting Charlie checked out and up to date at the vets.

When we brought him to the vets office the receptionist thought he was the cutest kitten ever! But that could also be because they love animals, hints their job. I had a couple questions when the doctor came to see him. First is what kind of cat he was, he was so fluffy and had long hair. Second was how old was he, being we found him at my grandparents. The answers she gave me were shocking. Charlie was a normal short hair cat and about 15 weeks old. His birthday is officially october 24. He was the strongest kitten ever! It took two people to do any work on him. Over the course of a month we got all his shots, neutered and declawed. He was a free kitten but cost around $400.00 when it was all done.

Charlie was cuddled and slept with me every night. He would snuggle up to my face and would stretch out . Taking pictures with him non stop because he is soo cute and little. Every month i could see him growing. He grew and grew every month. CHarlie was becoming to be a big kitten, i questioned the vets. My sister informed me he might be a main coon! So right away i searched it and was shocked! Charlie could be 20lbs and over 30 inches long. Not maturing until two to five years, growing more and more every one. My grandparents came over to the house and were amazed by how big he was getting. Commenting on his long hair and tail. I measured his tail and it measured at 12inches, his tail alone. By the time he was half a year he played so hard and every second of the day. Playing with a string on the floor for hours having the time of his life. When it was time for bed he comes running down the hall and over the gate. I can never close the door because he will try and open it with his paws on the nob, trying to turn it.

Once charlie hit a year that is when I really start to notice how he doesn't like me. When I dangle my feet off my bed he comes out of nowhere and bites them, if i'm walking across the kitchen or in front of him he bites my ankles. He learned somehow to box and use his feet to kick you. By this time he has grown even bigger. His tail is now 16 inches long. He has the best personality and sometimes the worse.

When he was younger he had two bowls one for water and one for food. He is a lazy cat when it comes to eating and drinking so he would lay down and if he could not reach it, he'd reach out his paw and pull it close knocking everything that was in it out. Food is easy to clean up water on the other hand isn't so i took away the water and now he has two food bowls. Charlie not being able to have a water bowl has to go to the dogs water. Then one day he discovered the shower. When the shower is turned off water drops come from the faucet. So, charlie now runs into the tub every time someone goes into the bathroom. His grandma, my father, one time turned on the sink on a drip for him so now whenever we go to the bathroom he jumps up on the sink. My father and i turn it on but my step mom does not. The only specialties he gets from his grandma, my stepmom, is treats in the morning.

Charlie is only around me when i'm feeding the fish, just get home from anywhere, in the bathroom, or my door is closed. I have a feeling he likes his grandparents more because he sleeps with both of them. Lays on both of them and rubs his head on their face. He always runs away from me too. I want him to be all over me and sleep with me. So i came up with a plan.

My plan to get my first cat to love me and be my best friend is to move out of my parents house. When i move out of my parents house i will then purchase another cat. If i purchase another cat Charlie will either want me to give him more attention or stay away from me. Also he will go to the vet because they said he would be a normal house cat. Charlie is no normal cat and has the best personality and characteristics. I love him and wouldn't want to get rid of him ever. 

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