A Cactus Is Not As Soft As It Looks | Teen Ink

A Cactus Is Not As Soft As It Looks

October 29, 2018
By Bennyboy123 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
Bennyboy123 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was my first time going to Colorado. It was summer the heat was hot, 100 degrees at least. A new hiking spot not knowing what to expect, hearing from my uncle it’ll be amazing. I had high expectations going to the mountain. I have never been hiking before and my sister wanted to go and I decided to go with. I was a little nervous but at the same time I was very interested in going and exploring and I was getting bored. It was a long drive felt longer than the drive to Colorado. Once we finally go there. I didn’t know which path I wanted to do. We decided to choose the longer path. I wasn’t too sure because it was 4.1 miles and we only brought 2 waters each. Jenn didn’t care. On the walk only saw about 2 snakes and a nice waterfall. It was getting warmer, we decided to head back and take pictures along the way. We went off the trail to take some pictures. A huge spider web was in the next spot my foot would’ve stepped so I jumped over it. Big mistake. I started rolling and rolling and rolling. “My froot loops!” I screamed as I was rolling down the mountain. Until a cactus finally caught me. “Ouch!” I said. It felt like someone was constantly pinching me. I had no idea what caught me but it didn’t feel good. Laying there for about 10 minutes I hear Jenn yelling.

“Ben, are you alright?” Jenn yelled with a shaky voice.

“Yeah, but I lost some froot loops on the way down.” I sadly said back.

“The froot loops aren’t important Ben, all that matters is that you’re doing fine.” Said Jenn screaming down the mountain.

“I know Jenn but I’m hungry and these are the only thing filling me up.” I said.

Next time I will be more careful. The mountain was not that steep but it was huge and it was a far tumble. I never want to experience something as horrifying as that.

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