The Soldiers’ Journey | Teen Ink

The Soldiers’ Journey

October 29, 2018
By ZachTheMac SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
ZachTheMac SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Samuel and Zachary stumbled out of their convoy and into the cold unforgiving air. The chilled air entered their noses and caused a swift sharp sting, making them wince in surprise. They gazed up the looming mountain and into the glaring sun. They tightened their laces before beginning their trek, and started to march slowly. They were worn, weary, and war torn soldiers. In an effort to remain safe, the two armed themselves with heavy rocks, which they could use to deter any animal assailants that may arise.

Halfway up the mountain they heard a noise coming from deep within the bowels of the forest. Leaves began to rustle as if they were anxious, and the troops instantly took an erect stance. They cocked back their arms, weapons in hand, and ready to fire. They spotted movement approaching them, and their threat was revealed.

A cotton tailed rabbit.

The men exhaled in relief and relaxed their posture, dropping the rocks. It was agreed that the bunny posed no risk, and the nature around them could do nothing but good. The boys were no longer troops, invading on Mother Earth, but instead guardians of nature.

With this new perception and title, they continued on and before they knew it they were at the summit, overlooking the world itself. The sheer beauty of the scene knocked both boys back into a dreamlike haze. The milky sky blended with plump clouds, the sun pierced through the deep blue atmosphere, the fields below shivered in the cold, and the two men stood strong, tears forming in their ducts. How could a frisbee golf course be so magical?


Based On A True Story.

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