Acorns | Teen Ink


November 1, 2018
By haileyjanowski BRONZE, Lowell, Massachusetts
haileyjanowski BRONZE, Lowell, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The person who sprains their ankle  by slipping on and acorns

  Acorns are an innocent nut.  Squirrels eat them. They fall out of the tree.  They mind their own business. Wrong! They don’t and they’re dangerous weapons of mass destruction.  I learned this lesson when I decided to walk down the hill on acorns.

It was in the fall of 2016.  I was in 6th grade getting out of school being the stupid person I am I walk on the eggcorns down the hill and I slip and fall I can’t get up I was in so much pain on my ankle I tried walking but I couldn’t it hurt to much. My teachers came down the hill to help me up and asked me if I was okay, I was in so much pain. My mom and  I went home and I didn’t go to school for 3 days and when I went back I had crutches and I didn’t like it. Did you know that 15% of people sprain their ankles but slipping on acorns. Google defines a sprained ankle as and injury that occurs when you roll,twist or turn your ankle in a awkward way. The lesson I learned was to never walk on acorns because you most likely would slip and sprain or break your ankle.

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