Laser Tag and Go Seek | Teen Ink

Laser Tag and Go Seek

December 6, 2018
By madison.moya BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
madison.moya BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

And there I was staring in awe at the beaming lasers that struck down upon the center of my vest. Seeing that the brightness was starting to to disappear, I assumed that the game was over. While I stretched my neck to peek into the big crowd of people, my five year old instincts told me to look for my big brother. I couldn’t find his curly hair anywhere, so I went to the back of the room to see if I could find him. I felt like I was in one of those mazes from the back of my lucky charms cereal box. Every time I turned my head, I saw a barrier. My journey suddenly came to a stop when the noise of people went away. Rushing to find the exit, I heard the door slam shut. Then at the top of my lungs, I screamed to see if anyone was still there. When I screamed, the sound of my voice repeated itself and I heard no response. I shrieked in panic as I was trapped inside the laser tag game room. Everyone had forgotten about me. What would happen? Would I be left here all alone basically in the dark? Would I have to live here forever? Would I even get to eat a piece of birthday cake? As these thoughts started moving through my head, I panicked. I paced back and forth, screaming like it was Mardi Gras. Then I heard footsteps and, to my surprise, some boy a couple years older than me had also gotten lost. He seemed nervous, but he was very confident in finding a way to freedom. Anxiously I followed him to a mysterious door that may have been our only hope. We opened the door, walking into a short hallway with white floors and walls. There was an icky smell, and I wasn’t sure if it was coming from the boy and his germs or something else. Nonetheless, I feared this sight and tried to turn back. I tugged at the door, but was unable to open it. I could feel my heart jumping inside my chest. I looked to the older boy in desperation. He started walking to the end of the hall where there was another door. Could this be the magic door that led me to my mommy and safety? With full force, we pushed the door open and we were free! The first thing I saw was the happy sun and a big, giant dumpster. I had never been so happy to see trash in my entire five years of living. Suddenly two workers spotted us and took us around the building. Another magical door opened to the sight of my mom and big brother. Mommy opened her arms wide to hug me. I ran to her and ripped off the heavy vest I had on. I was finally away from the dark and scary laser tag room. Also, I had gotten my piece of birthday cake. Although the cake did make me feel better, there was no way I was going back for another round to play laser tag and go seek again.

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