Chicago,My Home | Teen Ink

Chicago,My Home

January 11, 2019
By Da17 BRONZE, Sacremento, California
Da17 BRONZE, Sacremento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do or do not there is no try" -Yoda

My Chicago is amazing you can walk anywhere and smell the scent of nice deep dish pizza. You could walk down the street and everybody would say hi because the neighborhood is so friendly. On Sunday nights the sport fans head over to the delicious white castle for a bite and to watch the game. White Castles is one of the many food places sport fans go sometimes they go to eat deep dish pizza and watch TV

If all of this iks overwhelming and sounds to good then your right its not. The Westside of Chicago is full of gangs and shootings, when me and my friends are walking down the street you can smell the gunpowder. When you sleep at night you have to leave the porch light on so that no one can sneak up to the house. It's very violent to where sometimes I wonder how my family manages to survive.


In my community I would try to create a sense of peace and safety. I say that because although it can get rough, at the end of they day everybody is a person. Although I feel as the mayor is not doing his job instead he is in humanizing the student in school by installing metal detectors, When you walk in to school you should be ready to learn not worrying about do I have everything out of my pockets. The youth in the community should do better so that we can stop this.

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