Living in Cannon Falls | Teen Ink

Living in Cannon Falls

January 22, 2019
By 22dh03 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
22dh03 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I get older I plan to live in CF. I like it here it’s a small town, there are not many people here and I like small towns. There are a lot of places I could live In cannon falls and the jobs are good, there are a lot of stores near Cannon Falls and restaurants, Its a nice place.there is not a lot of crimes unlike in big cities.

I am close to family like my dad, who I live with now, my mom lives In Northfield which is 20 minutes away, my brother lives In Apple Valley which is 30 minutes away. I think Its the best place I have lived, I am happy here.

I like my neighborhood and my house is pretty big, just the right size, When I was born l lived In Clear Lake Iowa It had 7,562 people that are the most amount of people In a place that I lived in.

The school I went to before I came here was Arcadia It was really small, and CF is the right size, so I plan to live In cannon falls when I get older, I am close to family, I am happy here.    

When I get older I plan to stay In Cannon Falls because I will be close to family, there are some places I could live and there's not a lot of crimes unlike in big cities.

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it's short

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