Voices Of LBHS | Teen Ink

Voices Of LBHS

February 25, 2019
By ggurpreet_bhatoyaa BRONZE, Sacramento, California
ggurpreet_bhatoyaa BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was in elementary school I remembered when the sacramento kings came to my school to make a new computer lab I was thrilled to hear that.The thought that the kings, a professional sports team would come visit us was thinkable in my head but when they came that day changed my life we took the day off at school the we took pictures with them some I still have.That day at my home I was telling my parents about that.when I was in bed I never felt so special in my life.They also fixed our courts for we can play basketball in.Imagine that your favorite celebrity came to your city then they come just to see you.That computer lab we made we used up until our school shut down.I made memories in that computer lab that I cannot forget.I remember my dad forgot to pick me up so I gotta go there for a long time.Those are the memories you”ll remember even after your passing.



“Hurry and hide it”.This was the day I was felt bad I would get in trouble.Me and my sister broke an old clock that my mom got from my grandma.We thought it would be a good idea to play dodgeball inside my house.I started chasing my sister then next thing I know I threw a ball at her it flinged at the clock then it fell down and exploded like a nuke.We panicked and picked up the glass on the floor in the process I pierced my leg with glass.When my mom came home she noticed the clock was gone and she was gonna blame either one of us.I took responsibility and took the blame.It was so long ago but I clearly remember that day.I got the worst yelling of my life.Getting hit didn't hurt because it was my mom but me and my sister still feel bad about it.I could see the pain in her eyes, I still say sorry till this day.

The author's comments:

i wrote this cause my teacher said so

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