The Best Night Ever | Teen Ink

The Best Night Ever

March 1, 2019
By TaylorAddington SILVER, Defiance Ogio, Ohio
TaylorAddington SILVER, Defiance Ogio, Ohio
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I would never imagine the night ahead of me would be the best night of my life. I woke up early; however, I was looking forward to the day ahead of me. As I stepped into the steamy shower, I was comprehending how crazy it was that my cousin, Tyler, was getting married that day. Tyler is one of my favorite cousins, and we had so many memories together. We would always swim in his ocean blue pond and ride his four wheeler. After my shower, I blew dried my jet black hair and made my hair curlier than Dee & Gee’s French fries.

Next, my favorite part of getting ready: applying my makeup. I put the fondation on my smooth skin and made sure every blemish was covered. Finally, I was ready for my eyeshadow and somber mascara. The eyeshadow I chose was a sparkling pink, which would help my light pine green eyes stand out.

My mom gushed, “Tay, your eyelashes look so bold and as beautiful as Marilyn Monroe!”

After the makeup, I put on my navy blue off-shoulder dress. The dark dress was as flowy as a gentle stream which would help me dance more comfortably during the reception. After my dress, I put on earrings that dazzled in the light and appeared very classy. My family and I were finally ready to head to the church. As we drove to the church, I was looking out the window and realized how thankful I was for family gatherings. We have so much fun together as a family, and I began to get extremely excited for the wedding. I began picturing how fun the night will be and all of my family dancing together. Walking into the white church, I felt so much love there, not only from my family, but from God. The church windows were tinted with color and the ceiling was very high. I became lost into deep thought about how lucky we are to have love and faith. As I started to feel gleeful, Lindsey, my cousin’s fiance, walked gently down the aisle. As her chocolate brown eyes met his frosty blue eyes, tears ran down her face. This was the day. This was the day when we get to see Tyler marry the love of his life. They have been dating since they were sophomores in high school, and they are a couple I look up to.  

After the church ceremony, it was party time. My family and I checked into the raggedy hotel rooms. Afterwards, my mom and her sisters started drinking merlot wine. They were all so genuinely cheerful for the marriage we had been waiting for. At the reception, the savoury chicken was served and the entertaining dances began. All of a sudden, I felt a gentle tug on my lengthy dress. I looked down, and it was my toothless little cousin.

She giggled, “Tay Tay, will you dance with me?” We directed ourselves to the crowded dance floor.

Dancing with my little cousin was such a memorable moment for me. I am someone she looked up to, and I had to be to best version of myself for her. Everyone was dancing, and not one person was sitting down. Beer and wine were flying all over the wet dance floor. Everyone was enjoying their night, and then Selena came on. We all went crazy and started dancing all together. It will be a day that I’ll never forget. My family danced until the golden sun rose. Tyler and Lindsey's wedding reminded me of how much I love my family, God, and love.

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