Sunset at the Beach | Teen Ink

Sunset at the Beach

March 5, 2019
By Anonymous

“Squawk! Squawk!” Two seagulls flew across the crimson sun. The calm, ocean waves with the fascinating sun and sunset made a beautiful scenery. Being able to experience this in person created a sense of awe in me. The multiple visual and sound points gave this experience life. With these help of the sensory points, the feeling of awe made this experience memorable for me.

The sights from this experience were especially remarkable. On that day, the ocean waves were calm. The water was not greenish and dirty, but it was a serene, light blue. Due to the recent fires, the sun was a scarlet red with an orange tint. While we were at the beach, the sun was beginning to set. The sunset was a beautiful red with mixtures of light purple and orange hues painted across the sky.

In addition to the sights seen from this experience, the sounds also assisted in bringing the scenery to life. Because we were at the beach, you could hear seagulls in the distance, squawking as they flew across the sky. The ocean waves were calm, but you could still hear the faint sound of the waves developing and lightly meeting the sand. Other beachgoers there were in awe of the sunset. You could overhear them admiring the view and taking their phones out to take pictures of this once in a lifetime experience.  

Furthermore, this once in a lifetime experience put me and others in awe. I felt so lucky and fortunate to be at the beach at the right time. We watched the sun begin to set and the colors begin to flourish in the sky. The different hues of oranges, reds, and purples swallowed up the blue sky in some areas. The huge, red sun set perfectly in the middle of where we were. Others were in awe and expressed the awe through their words and actions. Some stopped whatever they were doing to quickly get a nice picture with their phone, while others stood on the soft sand jaw-dropped and absorbing the moment.  

Given these points, this became an astonishing experience for myself. Being able to stop and embrace this moment became notable for me. Using my senses and giving my full attention to this experience aided in being able to picture this experience again and again. Hearing the calm waves and seeing this extraordinary sunset helped me to live in the moment of that time. The awe feeling from this experience humbled me and made me realize what an amazing world we live in. It is delightful to stop and take in the moment because you never know what marvelous opportunity you might see.

The author's comments:

This sensory experience essay is about a personal experience at a local beach. 

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