Life's Too Short | Teen Ink

Life's Too Short

May 24, 2019
By 22kn01 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
22kn01 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“What’s the point in even trying anymore...” I thought to myself. I feel like every time I try I either fail or people couldn't care less. A while back I was trying to help a friend out, as I have done so in the past with personal issues but it seemed like anything that I would say or suggest on ways to possibly help the situation were blocked with unnecessary semi-rude comments. After around 10 minutes of texting back and forth they got irritated at me for saying the only thing I really could say to them, and they texted me along the lines of “... Whatever I’m going to go talk to someone else.”

My attitude after that conversation was that of a soggy sponge with mold spots that had got discarded for a brand new pristine one. A few weeks after that I woke up for school and I went upstairs to get a glass of water and I thought that my mom would like some water as well, as I picked up both the glasses full of water I dropped them on the floor and water got everywhere, my mom was irritated with me because of the mess and how it now put us behind schedule.

When I finally walked into the school office I had a melancholy expression held on my face, disheartened by yet another failed attempt at showing kindness. What's the point in showing kindness and respect when it seems like no one ever returns it back? Or when I somehow mess something up and make it worse? All I'm usually meet with is either sarcastic, rudeness or someone gives me a look of “What?” It’s sad to see that look in someones face as if no one has ever been nice to them before for no reason, and they have no idea what to do or say back. It just feels like no one for a long time now is kind to anybody anymore, from things as simple as saying hello or small talk.

I was signing in on the school tablet and just as I was finishing up someone got in a line behind me. I quickly hurried up and was waiting to get a pass back to class when I noticed the girl behind me was having trouble with working the tablet. I looked at her for a few seconds deciding what I should do. Should I ask her if she needed help or should I just go about my business? I thought, I almost didn’t ask her if she needed help.

That's when a little sliver in my mind decided that I should try one more time, Preparing myself for embarrassment I asked her if she needed help, “Um yes please,” she said in a small polite voice, I mainly just told her what to type into the little text box. When I figured she didn’t need any more help, I started walking towards the door with my pass to class, and she thanked me. I hadn't heard a stranger, let alone someone younger than me say thank you in quite a long time. It made me feel good about helping someone out without getting dumped on for doing something nice. I said a quick “you're welcome” and started heading to my class.

That's when my thoughts started to change about being nice. I started thinking to myself once again. Yeah, there's going to be some bad days, and to be honest I haven't had it the best for the past couple years but maybe, just maybe I should give more people a chance. The rest of the day was overall normal and once the bell finally rang, and I was headed towards the doors that lead to the parking lot, A nice guy held the door open for me. I’m not going to lie I was taken aback. We exchanged quick smiles, exchanged a “thank you” and “you’re welcome”, and we went about our day.

After that this is when I really started thinking about what had been on my mind for the last few years and especially today, that it was truly not worth it to sulk in my own self-pity just because someone was rude to me, or because someone didn’t acknowledge me. I learned a valuable lesson that day, that there is a point in trying. I’m happy that by some miracle just two people were able to help me out so much by doing the littlest of things, if I would have kept that mindset I think I would be a very negative, miserable person who wouldn't do anything kind or say anything kind.

The author's comments:

This is about something that changed me for the better.

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