Why Try, When Nobody Else Will | Teen Ink

Why Try, When Nobody Else Will

September 17, 2019
By Nnilhuvhe BRONZE, Denton, Texas
Nnilhuvhe BRONZE, Denton, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I lived in France for 3 years, I was always alone. I had nobody. I was, in my own eyes and everyone else's, nobody. I felt so isolated. Loneliness was one of my biggest issues. I had no friends. I did everything I possibly could to ignore the fact I had nobody. I mostly drowned my sorrows and frustrations into video games. I drew a bunch of things. I listened to music, and danced alone. I didn’t speak anyone’s language at first. I couldn’t even understand what they thought of me. Some made an effort to speak English with me, but I was too shy to continue engaging once they left. I had the idea stuck in my head that I was worthless, and that consumed me. I didn’t even try, eventually. Because I was certain nobody would want to be my friend. I always stood around, talking down on myself during lunch, as I walked the halls, and once I got home as well. I felt helpless. This lead to me becoming bitter. Irritable. I could still tell I was this way. One single day felt like an eternity. I would wake up in the morning. I didn’t want to wake up. I didn’t want to get out of my bed. I wanted to sleep forever. I’d go to the school I considered hell. I’d go from class to class. Maybe, maybe pay attention to what the teacher was saying. But it didn’t matter. I only did it to avoid punishment from my parents, taking away possibly the only things I could have to ignore my feelings. I did the bare minimum because, what’s the point?  And I know that there are others who feel the same.

One day, nearing the beginning of packing our stuff to leave for a new home, I realised some things about myself. One of those things was my self worth. I’m still working on this, but my confidence in myself and in general was boosted tremendously. I “gained” the ability to go up to people and talk to them, to be more playful. The thing is, absolutely nothing was stopping me from doing this, other than my own self. I went to therapy. I told somebody about my innermost thoughts and feelings. She helped me. I realised just how much I limited myself, and that made me attempt to change. It wasn’t easy, but I put in the effort. I didn’t want to see myself as I did. I had to overcome myself. 

    I have now realized, upon being given this assignment, that many, many people go through similar problems. Mental health is probably the most important thing for a person, in my opinion. I know others say things like “school” or “family,” But those, as I know from experience, mean nothing, when you feel nobody cares about you. It results in you not caring about anything, at all. Why put in the effort when you feel nobody else will? Mental health should be the number one priority in my eyes. I feel mental health isn’t considered as important as it should be. I felt useless in every way possible. That’s obviously not desirable, right? I think, personally, that, schools and homes alike should prioritize mental health as much as academics. Both are very important. I feel students should be able to open up to staff, as to not feel isolated, like they have no one. A school should be a place where one feels safe. A school should be a place where one feels united with others, part of a group. 

What can you do to improve the mental health of those you know?

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