the wedding | Teen Ink

the wedding

October 16, 2019
By Grace6262636 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Grace6262636 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No mistakes just happy accidents

My cousin's wedding was the event I and my entire family had been waiting three years for, and I had the honor to be apart of this moment in a big way. It's the big day, the day people look forward to all their lives and I was a bridesmaid. My family is very close and we stay connected so when this day came we were just as excited as the bride and groom. Everyone was counting down the days for this moment and we couldn't believe it was finally here. 

Arriving to Atlantic City was mind-blowing and the hotel we were staying in was breathtaking. The lights were glistening from every inch of the city and the hotel was just as glamorous. The ceilings were painted to look like the sky, there was artwork and statues all around the building. The first night we had free time so me and my sister decided to walk down the boardwalk. However, my cousin, Amanda has always been a planner so it was no surprise when she hit each and every bridesmaid with an itinerary for the rest of our time.

The next day was the beginning of all the festivities, we started off our day by getting the pleasure of packing one hundred and fifty gift bags for the guests. Making the favors was crazy, there was at least 10 of use frantically packing all these different items into these miniature baggies. As we finally finished we thought all the chaos was over but then we were instructed to bring each bag to a different part of the hotel for the rehearsal dinner that we were attending later that day. By the time we transported all the bag we could barely lift our arms but we sucked it up and started getting ready for the rehearsal dinner.   

On the day of the wedding, it started with everyone in the bridal party getting up at eight in the morning and going to a separate room in the hotel for everyone to get their makeup and hair done. When I arrived at the room we had breakfast and waited for our turn to get our hair and face done. When it was my turn to get up I started with my hair being curled and my makeup is done. Everything was so nice all I had to do was wait to see the bride, and when she finally arrived and had everything done we were all so happy, we were even more excited to see the bride in her dress. Seeing her in her dress finally gave everyone there the sense that this day was happening. It was a beautiful wedding, everything happened with a view over the beach, it was unforgettable.

The day was a great day and everything leading up to it was fantastic. I'm so happy that I got the chance to be apart of the event. 

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