Car Accident | Teen Ink

Car Accident

October 18, 2019
By kaylormartin1010 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
kaylormartin1010 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a crisp, cold winter night, I was hanging out with my usual friends: Taylor, Tanner, Luke, and Drew. Luke hosted a Christmas party, and we exchanged gifts with just five of us. For my gift, I received a cardinal red Christmas decoration as a joke. The gift was as red as a poinsettia. Luke told me, “You can hang that in your room.” I knew for a fact I was not hanging it in my room, but I told him I would anyway. Taylor and I were staying the night at my house after the party at Luke’s. I thought to myself, “When do I have to be home?” My curfew was one o’clock in the morning, and I couldn’t be one minute late; or I would be grounded. 

After the gift exchange, we danced around and just enjoyed each other's company. It was time for Taylor and me to head home, so I wasn’t late. I asked, “Are you ready to go, Taylor?” She replied, “Yes we can’t be late.” On our way home, we enjoyed our favorite songs. It was in the middle of December, so, of course, it happened to be icy. I told Taylor, “Please drive carefully.” 

She said, “I am. It's just very icy out.” 

We ended up making it home and just in time so that I wouldn’t get grounded. Taylor and I were tired from the party, so we went to bed in my wrinkled sheets as soon as we made it home. We woke up bright and early to get ready for basketball practice at eight. I announced to Taylor, “My mom made us toaster strudels!” My mom knows warm, yummy toaster strudels are my favorite breakfast food. Taylor said, “I forgot my practice jersey.” 

“We can stop at your house and get it,” I said. 

We took all of our practice clothes and began to head out the door. Taylor realized it was still icy and made sure she drove slowly. “Taylor, are you going to slow down?” I announced to her as she was going fifty-five miles per hour down an icy hill.

 “Oh no, we are going for that rock,” said Taylor.

 Boom! We recked her 2017 Chevy Eqinox and made a huge dent on the left side door. The grey, two foot wide tall rock left an impact on the car. The car hit the rock so loudly the whole town had to have heard it!  

A few seconds later, we were both crying and trying to get away from the rock. Taylor tried to put it in drive, but we were stuck in the snow, against the rock.   Taylor exclaimed, “Call Tanner!” I thought I saw ash like smoke, but it was just the exhaust. After we ended the call with Tanner, we called her mom. “Are you serious, Taylor?” questioned Taylor’s mom. The dent in the car was as bad as no snow on Christmas. 

Taylor and I ended up being late to practice, and were very sore from the accident. We walked in, and everyone asked, “Are you okay?” 

We replied with, “Yes, we are just sore.” 

My back became a grandma’s back from hitting the rock so hard. I never told my mom about the accident, which was a huge mistake.

 She found out about the accident from Taylor’s mom, when she texted my mom to see if was okay. “What is she talking about?” asked my mom. My stomach turned once I knew she found out. I ended up having to tell the truth, and she was mad that I didn’t call her when it happened. “I was scared you wouldn’t let me drive with Taylor anymore,” I exclaimed to my mom.

 My mom refuted, “I wish you would have told me.” 

After my mom found out, I realized I shouldn’t keep anything from her. I would have gotten into less trouble if I would have called her the second it happened. From now on, I will tell my mom everything that happens to me. Taylor has also learned to always drive safely and to be extra careful when it is icy. Next time, we will be going fifteen miles per hour on an icy hill, instead of fifty-five miles per hour.

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