“How was school” ? | Teen Ink

“How was school” ?

October 24, 2019
By Anonymous

Hello readers, over my little time of being in school many things do happen. No school is perfect but that’s what makes the school. The students behavior represent the school to other schools. This is my story on how I saw school. No it’s not going to be like a diary it’ll seem like one. Through elemenrty till now which is high school. Had really good mem

I was pretty young but going to elementy school was fun. More than it is now in my opinion and to others. The teachers were alot nicer and more patient to us as students the higher the grade the more responsible we had to be for our work and how we present ourselves. When we had to take the online math and reading tests that was one of the most important tests we’d take as kids. Recess was probably the most fun thing to do in school getting on the swings was always my favorite thing to do during recess.

Moved to a differnet school after elemenrty and it was scary walking into a school where you don’t know anyone is hard. The first day I got on the wrong bus and the cops were called because I didnt come home on time but it wasn’t my fault the teachers didn’t know what bus I had to get on but I knew my way home so I walked all the way home it was very far I’ll admit that. Won’t deny those were my years where I was more rebellious. Got in trouble for fun. Meet really good friends there whom I am close to till this day and others who Iĺl never contact with ever.

High school where you’d think school will come to an end. I entered high school with one friend and now I have more friends I’m still in school but it has changed me. What I didn’t know back in 9th grade I learned through lessons in my life in high school. My grades weren’t the best and I did get in trouble alot and at points still do. High school is where your supposed to make good and unforgetable memories. Yet so many of us as students stress alot more about what we will be in the future for all we know it the future can end tommorow. All that would be worried about is if an assingment was turned it. Teachers  metaphorically put students in cages.

So far school has it’s ups and downs not everyone wakes up in the morning happy to go to school. No one wants to get picked on or abused in school that’s why when kid’s say certain things about school on how they discribe school pay attention to the way they use their tone and what words they use. Many kids fight their own issues and to top it off they don’t get a chance to rest because they have to worry about school that’s why kids fail. In my opinion is school important but for what exactly ?

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