Hiding in Plain Sight | Teen Ink

Hiding in Plain Sight

November 6, 2019
By grantyboi BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
grantyboi BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My cousin and I had been the best of friends since we were young. We always loved to hang out whenever we could, even though we lived on opposite sides of town. His name is Will. He was eight and I was seven. We were like brothers and we were inseparable. Once upon a time we were at our vacation house in Black Butte Ranch and were having a marvelous time playing with toys. Our favorite thing to do was play with the shiny and beautifully painted toy cars. I picked Lightning McQueen, a red racing car with an astonishing yellow lighting bolt down the middle. Will decided to pick the blue and green car with flames on the front. This car was the car that had won the most races we had played, with 4 championships in a row!

“Let’s race the cars down the stairs and see who wins!” exclaimed Will.

“Yeah! That sounds great,” I replied.

So then we sprinted up to the top of the stairs. We lined up our cars up for a speedy race and made bets on who would get the victory.

“Alright let's go!” shouted Will.




“Can I play?” my brother interrupted.

“No, you just cancelled our race,” I replied angrily. 

“I’ll tell mom if you don’t let me,” my brother insisted.

“Fine,” I announced.

My brother’s name is Luke and he was about five at the time. He got his own car which wasn’t nearly as cool as ours and we raced. It was tight Will’s car was in first, but mine was gaining close behind. Then my brother decided to throw his down the stairs and he won.

“Hey you can’t do that,” I told him.

“Yes you can!” Luke yelled.

   “Whatever,” I responded bleakly. 

Now I was getting annoyed by my brother because he kept messing up our fun games, so I decided to explain to Will why we should go somewhere else and play where Luke won’t find us. Alas we went down to the basement in the bunk room. The bunk room had a secret door which led to under the house. This room was in a slightly obvious spot, however my brother was five you must remember, hence he wasn’t very intelligent. We raced the cars across the floor in the secret room for about 30 minutes until we heard a faint call, 

“Grant, Will?!”

We came out and heard it more clearly

“Grant where are you?” it sounded like my mother.

Then, we went upstairs, and my mother confronted me

“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!” my mother screamed.

“We were in the bunk room playing with toys,” I responded.

“Well why didn’t you include your brother?” mother asked.

“He’s being annoying,” I asked.

“ Well apologize,” she countered. 

That is how our fun times playing with toys and hiding from my brother turned into a tragic event; being in trouble. I learned a valuable lesson from this, include everyone in your fun games, even if you don’t want to.






The author's comments:

Hello my name is Grant I loved writing about this piece because it was a very memorable time for me. I love Black Butte Ranch and I have lots of fun their in the summer. It is a place it Centeral Oregon and it is like my second home. Thank you

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