Sacramento, My Home | Teen Ink

Sacramento, My Home

December 19, 2019
By cindypaloma BRONZE, Sacramento, California
cindypaloma BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sacramento is such a beautiful place, it is my dream home. It’s pretty calm and once I step outside it smells like fresh roses, cement is flawless and smooth, buildings are shiny and tall, and there’s no chip or candy wrappers or in-n-out cups on the ground, people pick up after themselves because we care about our city. Everyone I walk pass by is smiling and saying “Hi” to each other, asking how im doing. They all have a positive attitude. There is no homeless nor do I ever hear gunshots and sirens. Friday nights I love to go downtown and ice skate. There’s lots of teenagers and kids smiling and enjoying time. Parents are with their red Starbucks coffee cup sitting down paying attention to their kids.

I wish that's how Sacramento would be, the reality is the opposite of what you just read. I'm not saying Sacramento is the worst but it does have lots of negativity. Some issues we are going through right now are crimes, gangs, robbery, and violence. I always see homeless people everywhere I go, like the park, on my way to school, by the grocery store, and by streets just asking for money. We have a lot of trashy places here. I see people leaving their trash on purpose because their lazy and don't care about our environment. Walking home from school I see tons of garbage on the floor like hot cheeto chips, gatorade bottles, and airhead wrappers. The roads are all cracked and when i'm walking there’s so many dark spots which are the gum people spit out. Early morning, afternoon, and right when I go to bed I hear the sirens and helicopters close to me saying, “Stay inside.”  On my way to places I see tons of police cars going 90 miles per hour. There’s not much friendly people here, walking around, I do see some people arguing loudly. 

I think we should all make a do something different to help our community and environment. For example, if you litter you should think about the effects it can lead to like animals dying and lakes being polluted. We should all spread positivity, at least a “Hi” when your walking around because we don't know what someones ever going through and that “Hi” can make a difference. As in helping the homeless people, I would love to see us give them things they really need like, water, food, clothes, and hygiene products. 

I feel like if we all make a difference in our community it would be so much better. Helping and making a change will decrease the issues we are having. 

The author's comments:

This is what I think about Sacramento.

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