We are all not the same | Teen Ink

We are all not the same

January 15, 2020
By CarterTomich GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
CarterTomich GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you jump into the present, you’ll land on the moment and make time turn slower enjoying each second of what you have. Every person lives a different life like a book that is always changing and you can never read the same story again. 

Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes is something we don’t do enough of, it can give us perspective like a bald eagle soaring over head noticing everything. Seeing how the swirl of loneliness sounds like a sad slow song that as much as you want it to end it won’t. Feeling the sadness of puppies is like an ice heart melting apart. 

Others are strong like a confident yell that echos in the valleys of the street. Having the state of mind that at the top of tomorrow waits a new day of opportunities and life changing events. At the edge of silver is sharp like a sword on the side on a knight leading its champions to victory. 

Having these different perspectives is like a look underneath peace to find hope and the sound of hard work that makes it possible. We are not all the same like colors in a painting and the strokes of a paintbrush we vary and make the paint come together as a whole.

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