Letter to a Veteran | Teen Ink

Letter to a Veteran

January 17, 2020
By belle2020 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
belle2020 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

Thank you. Your sacrifice can never be repaid, but I want you to know that I am forever thankful for you. My name is Annabelle and I am a senior at Arrowhead High School. I am in a Creative Writing class this semester and my class is writing letters to veterans because we watched the Honor Flight special about the 50th flight on WISN 12. I was very happy when I found out we were doing this because I have lots of family in the military. 

I am really glad I got the opportunity to write to you, and I am sorry that you never got the proper welcome home that you should have, but I hope your time on the Honor Flight is amazing. While watching the Honor Flight special, I got teary-eyed and it made me so happy. Both of my grandpas, my cousin, and aunt were in the military, and my brother is currently in the Air Force.  One of my grandpas fought in the Korean War.

I remember watching my brother graduate from basic training. After the ceremony ended all of the families got to go out by them. While we were talking to my brother we noticed that some of the guys didn’t have any family there, so we were congratulating as many of them as we could. I felt so bad for them, so when we were talking about how the Vietnam Veterans were treated when they got back it made me angry.

It is scary to think about how you were probably around my age when you were fighting a war. That is a very brave and courageous thing to do and you deserve so much gratitude for that. I don’t care what anyone else thinks, you are my hero. Thank you so much for everything you have done. Welcome home.



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