Stranded | Teen Ink


January 27, 2021
By Brookemarois44 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Brookemarois44 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Shhh... Shhh... Shhh. The sound of the waves from the hotel. We were going on a trip to Canada and we had to get a hotel because the place we were going too was far away. So we had this really nice view and there was an ocean right by us. I wanted to go down to the ocean to watch the sunset and it was a really nice day, birds were chirping and the smell of  fresh air. There was a nice cool breeze that felt amazing.

 I saw a rock a little bit into the water that I could just barely get on top. The water was kinda cold, but it was enjoyable. It was the middle of the day, and I was just sitting there looking out into the sea watching the sunset. It was really pretty and a cool site to see. 

All of a sudden, I hear my dad screaming my name. I didn't hear it at first, I was really confused. Then I noticed that the tide was coming in. It was coming in more and more and faster and faster as I was sitting there not knowing what to do. Then there was nowhere I could go, I was stranded. I could feel the cold water coming in and the cool breeze. My feet were starting to get cold. It started to get dark. I was scared my stomach dropped to my toes, I could just feel the fear whooshing into my body. I started to lose my breath, I started to panic.

 My mom had to come out and get me because I wasn't able to get over the water by myself. My heart was beating out of my chest. It all happened so fast and I didn't realize what was going on.

 We started to go back to the hotel, was cold and bumpy getting back, my mom carried me and it was a struggle for her as well. We ended up making it back safely. I got home, got into some dry warm, comfy clothes put on a show and spent time with my family. 

In conclusion, I should be more aware of my surroundings when I'm in a situation like this because I could have gotten badly hurt, but luckily I made it back safely.

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