Misjudged by a Glance  | Teen Ink

Misjudged by a Glance 

January 3, 2022
By LunaAzul19 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
LunaAzul19 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Maybe growing up to fast was the only choice I had."

It's funny the way people assume things and title a person from just a glance. People have thought a lot of things about me my whole life. One thing I was misjudged for often was when I was in elementary/middle school people assumed I was gay because of the way I would dress and act. I would dress up girly and act girly but I would also dress like a tomboy in baggy clothes and I would play fight with the boys a lot. I was also not allowed to have a boyfriend and how strict my dad was I didn't really try it  so I just stuck with guy friends. People never told me about them thinking that. They would give me hits to confessing by saying how they support the LGBTQ but I would just agree because my sister is lesbian

I was always more focused in school when I was younger. I was a literal nerd. I later ended up having a crush on a boy and when people found out they were so shocked and going crazy. I just thought they were thinking, ¨Oh she has feelings she actually likes someone.¨ I never thought they had that in their minds. I was a very shy quiet girl because I got bullied. It wasn't till 5th grade that I actually started not caring and talking more. So I was assumed to be trapped in the closet.

My sister was always open about being lesbian she was more social than me so she was kinda popular and I was only known because I was her sister. Middle school was funnier because I was around a lot of guys. I would play football, soccer, and run around and fight with them. I had 3 girl best friends and we were always super close. No one really knowing me just seeing I was around a lot of guys and a couple girl and my sister being lesbian most thought I was lesbian too and a few thought I was bi. They would always mistake me and one of my girl best friends as a couple.

People didn't realize that I was into guys until everyone was telling my sister. She had told them that I was straight. I just follow the rules and don't date and like to play sports and sometimes use her clothes because it's comfortable. I also had a little bit of blue dye on the tips of my hair so that also gave them the idea, but I just really like the color. They were shocked and confused when she told them. She later told me and I was confused as to why they thought that. Till she explained to me why and it's when I realized. People misjudged me because of my clothes, because of what I played, the way I had blue in my hair, because I would date and also because of my sister being who she was. They say it's embarrassing to ask someone something but what I'm wondering is how is it not embarrassing to assume something about someone.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this was the way in middle school no one had known me and from a second on seeing me they just assumed and misjudged me this is just one thing from many other things they believed.

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