First Day of Highschool | Teen Ink

First Day of Highschool

January 5, 2022
By Blayk BRONZE, Macon, Illinois
Blayk BRONZE, Macon, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The first day of high school. But we're going to go back a few days and my parents said they were going to go to school with me. Which created a lot of problems with my anxiety. They kept bothering me saying they were going to go in there and start blasting music. He kept showing me TikTok sounds and saying he was going to grab my speaker and blare it and keep singing it out loud. See I'm a gullible person and I kept thinking that he was going to do that because when my dad says he's going to do something he is going to do it. In the end, we found out that they could not go in there because of covid which helped me out and calmed my nerves.

But I still had other things to worry about like bullies and others. I asked one of my high school friends and they said that there are a lot of bullies. But he was just lying and it was pretty chill. Everybody is pretty nice in high school. I thought all of the seniors were mean people but they all are pretty nice. 

In general, high school is fun and I would not trade it for the world. 

The author's comments:

This piece describes my first day of high school. 

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