Summer 2020 | Teen Ink

Summer 2020

January 20, 2022
By 3varhol BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
3varhol BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

2020 was without doubt the best year for summer ever. My friends and I started doing stuff on the lake super early because of the reason that school ended early due to covid. In no way covid-19 is a good thing, however we made the best of it and turned out to be the best summer of my life. 

The first thing that made this summer the best summer of my life was the amount of amazing people that turned into friends I met. It started out with a few close friends and then friends had friends who had friends who had friends and so on. I had the chance to become close with all these people and it turned out to be so much fun hanging out with everyone.

Another part of my summer that made it an amazing summer was the amount of time that my friends and I spent together outside. We would never leave the lake. The camping trips on the island on Pine Lake were some of the best nights of my life with my best friends. In the morning instead of my friends asking “do you want to hangout today?” it turned into “I’m here, wake up.” It was everyday that my friends became like a second family to me. 

In conclusion, I think that the way to make an unforgettable summer is to not hold back on anything. We never were bored once during the summer we always made fun out of anything we were doing.

The author's comments:

This is a composition piece I wrote for the final.

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