Clarity | Teen Ink


September 30, 2022
By alexkrzysiek SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
alexkrzysiek SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Loneliness can be hard to accept 

Loneliness can suffocate even the strongest of us 

But loneliness is a tool, as long as it is used correctly 

In the stifling black silence, ones thoughts can be clear and open 

Without any other sweet distractions ones focus can be brought upon a clear goal 

Without the bitter criticism, one can be free of the constraints of self doubt 

Flourish in the loneliness before you try to grow out of the box that people will put you in 

Because without the ability to be okay alone, how can you expect to be okay when surrounded by people 

When will you have the energy to take a step back and think of the purple madness around you 

How will you know who is right for you and who will hurt you 

How will you know who you are.  

So accept the loneliness and realize that being without someone doesn’t make you alone 

Strive to be the best you when you with your own thoughts 

Enjoy the quiet of your own mind without the constant pressure of other voices 

Reject the toxic venom in the intentions of others 

Be lonely 

Because you never know when you’ll be alone again. 

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