First Relationship | Teen Ink

First Relationship

October 7, 2022
By Anonymous

First Relationship

I was pretty stupid going along the idea of dating someone. I wasn’t in the right mindset and I wasn’t thinking straight when it happened. It basically just happened out of nowhere. The relationship wasn’t bad but wasn’t the greatest either. I just wish I would’ve known the bad and good things sooner. 

I met him through his friend that I wanted to be friends with. Him and I gradually started hanging out everyday. Eventually, he told me he liked me when we barely started hanging out. It was probably like 3 days after we talked and he instantly liked me.  

“Do you want to go to prom? I know we’ve only been talking for 3 weeks but I want to ask you if you want to be my girlfriend too?” He asked me. I nodded my head yes. I honestly wish I would’ve told him to wait a bit more. I just couldn’t get the words out of my mouth at the time, so I just went along with it. 

A little of a month later we went to prom and it was a really fun time. I went with him and his friends. We talked, laughed, cried and everything above. It was a little awkward too, but it was fun.

Two days later, when we went back to school things turned out for the worse. This rumor spread about me liking another guy and he texted me that we were over. I was so hurt and felt so betrayed, betrayed by people I thought liked and trusted me. I texted him back that it was a lie, that I would never like another boy besides him, but he thought otherwise. I just felt so betrayed and humiliated in that moment. “What the heck? Why would he think that?” was all I could think in that moment. 

“Alright we’re done here. You like someone else,” was his text. At some point I thought it was some sick joke, but it was actually real. It’s embarrassing to look back on. 

I think one thing I learned from this ex relationship is to not trust someone so easily. Also, to not fall for someone so easily and to not be friends with people you barely even know. The worst mistake I’ve ever made, I wish I knew sooner what the outcome would’ve been. 

The author's comments:

I haven't found any friends or another relationship because I'm not ready for it to happen all over again. I'll be ready when the time gets here but it's just not the time right now, I'll wait but I'm gonna focus more on myself this time. I just want my health to be better, because I don't want to stress because I have to worry for someone that I barely even liked or knew. 

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