Saving a Life | Teen Ink

Saving a Life

October 14, 2022
By Kota_Rae BRONZE, Yerington, Nevada
Kota_Rae BRONZE, Yerington, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have I ever told you the story of when I almost witnessed someone die? No? Well it is a complicated story but I guess we have time. 

It was about 10:20 pm when I ran. I was running for my own life. Too scared to witness something I have caused. Minute after minute I am still running. The pain on my bare feet is unimaginable. Glass piercing the skin and rocks cutting my feet, scared as I desperately run for my life. 

I see someone, it looks like a boy holding his arm. I thought I could stop and help or just keep running, but I was so curious. I stop running to ask “ hey there, what's going on?” He looked panicked, his eyes were as big as a deer if they were caught in the headlights of a car. He was hyperventilating. I looked at his arm, it was cut like if he had been stabbed. Me not knowing what to do thought hard, thought so hard. Then I suddenly ripped the bottom of my shirt saying” this is probably going to hurt.” Not the best choice of words but it was true. I wrapped my shirt on his wound and tied it as hard as I could to stop the bleeding. It worked! 

He told me what happened. His parents were fighting and he tried to seperate them until his dad grabbed a knife and swung at him. It cut his arm. 


I forgot that I had my phone. I reached into my pocket and called 911. I told them what happened and where we were. When they arrived they took us to Renown hospital. When he was getting questioned in the ambulance he was telling them about his dad, about how he is always beating on us. 


Later when the kid was all stitched up the doctors came in and said “you are a lucky kid.” 

When the cops arrived they asked me some questions. They said “you saved that little boy's life.” 

The boy is now 11 years old and living with his foster parents!

The author's comments:

I was 13 years old when this happened. It was an emotional day for all of us. He was taken away from his parents and put into the foster system. He is happier than ever and is thriving with is foster family. 

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