The Beach | Teen Ink

The Beach MAG

October 31, 2022
By ClaraYu BRONZE, Hong Kong, Other
ClaraYu BRONZE, Hong Kong, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The surprise was yet to unfold as we planned the beach cleanup. The beach where our family once yearned to visit was full of trash. We did not hesitate to shirk any responsibilities and decided to not stand by when something we once loved was affected by pollution.

That day, we used our garbage picker and discarded the trash one by one. Although the sun shined brightly and left us restless and sweaty, the fresh breeze that came to wave “hello” every once in a while and the smell of the ocean kept us going. We thrived on our goals and ended up with a pile of our collected trash, separated into different categories so we could recycle as needed.

Slowly, as the waves crashed against the sea shore, the beach started to look like how we imagined it once was — clean and safe, a legacy and beauty to all. All that was left were rocks, one-of-a-kind seashells, and the distant stars that glistened, twinkling brightly, like a pearl in the ocean.

We spent that night lying on our backs, humming tunes and chatting, while being mesmerized by the surreal night sky. It reminded me of the time I went to the space museum and watched the show of stars under the half-spherical dome, which made everything so much more enchanting.

The satisfaction of knowing I took part in helping the beach filled me. Looking at the vast night sky reminded me that I am a minute speck of sand in the galaxy. Yet, today, I was able to make a change, helping the environment and beautifying the beach for others.

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