The Science of Coding | Teen Ink

The Science of Coding

December 12, 2022
By James2274 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
James2274 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 I thought of coding when I was 10 years old, I was always amazed at how computers helped human society. I use google docs and also a lot of apps that help us in my life. I saw my dad on his computer doing things that are interesting and I learn knowledge of coding.

 I coded in high school classes and at home. Playing a game called Doki Doki literature club which is a visual novel but it is a horror game. You could change files that will make the game a little different than other games. I want to do computer science for my career because it seems interesting and I love how the code works. It takes time to problem-solve the code in front of you but in a couple of days, weeks, or months and I will be able to fix the code.

 I want to take computer science classes in college because it is interesting. It is going to be very hard to do because Math, English, and Science are going to be challenging but I will figure it out. If I want to go into computer science and I am going to need to finish calculus and other math courses such as linear algebra, statistics. Take easier or harder computer science classes topics such as algorithm design, abstract data types, and computer organization.

 Most computer scientists hold at least a bachelor’s degree. In the future and I want to make a program that is brilliant. Everyone wants to use a machine that can transport real-life people into video games. Video game characters can also go to the real-life world but the problem with that is lacking citizenship papers, and passports because they are not from the world. 

When the program failed or doesn’t work correctly, can give you an idea of how to fix the program to make it better. Computers are my thing because I use them every day in my life for school or for playing video games. I use them for coding for a little bit The code will not work so you have to buy a new one that cost a bunch of money. 

One day I want to work with computer programming because it is so amazing and I love how the computer spits out the code. I will have to find the problem by myself and the classes will be tricky and hard but it will be worth it. The amount a computer scientist earn is $103,238 on average or $49.63 per hour. Depends on the location where you work in the computer science world because you will get a different salary.     

I wonder if there is an idea that can make an android in the real-life world. It will basically do everyone’s daily jobs and one day. I want to be an android so I have abilities such as solving crimes scene, scanning things without touching the android and etc. I wished one day there was technology that could me immortal.

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