Paris at Peace | Teen Ink

Paris at Peace MAG

December 14, 2022
By Anonymous

As we glided down the magical streets of the ancient city, the illustrious smell of French cuisine tempted our noses. Just the sight of it made our mouths water. Delicious pastries sitting comfortably in the small, locally owned stores that added to the friendliness of the massive city. The smell of coffee and bread had my taste buds dancing with excitement.

Hundreds of little shops carried the hopes and dreams of those who owned them, culture packed into their hearts. We silently stopped to stare up at the dark blue sky, containing the brightly shining stars that bewildered our eyes. The full moon stood in place like a painting in the Louvre, patiently waiting for its viewers to admire and gather around. We were deer in headlights. Slightly cloudy skies and a cool breeze created the perfect atmosphere. Not too hot, not too cold — perfect weather for exploration. The chattering mouths of the civilians all around us, dressed in various colors and styles, were amazing. Thousands of tourists from all parts of the world, speaking all kinds of different languages, humming all kinds of melodious tunes, all savoring their time in the brilliant city. Everything fit together perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle.

Speeding toward our final destination, the crown jewel of them all, we laughed, listened, looked — loved. To us, nothing could beat this feeling. It felt like we were riding around heaven, as if all our issues and worries were gone, floating away into the deep blue sky. Each building, shaped and colored in its own special way, told its own story. Stories of glory, triumph, hardship, war, passion, love, identity, religion, culture, and history. Stories that didn’t need words, just the viewer’s imagination and creativity. Stories that were packed full of emotion, that fabricated the world we know today. Royal blue and shiny gold colors dazzled the eyes, distracting them from everything else around us. The character of the city rested in the foundations of these buildings, highlighting past struggles and successes to captivate its visitors and create a sense of optimism for the future. Off in the distance, slowly approaching, was the aforementioned “crown jewel” of the city.

Towering above the other buildings, its glimmering lights fluttered in the night sky, calling out to the hearts of those who gazed upon it. The large, beautiful metallic structure was the center of attention, the final puzzle piece that completed the million piece puzzle of dreams.

There, in all its glory, it stood, a feast for the eyes. Perfectly shaped, in the perfect location, with the perfect people, and the perfect environment. I could’ve stared at it for hours. It just didn’t feel real. If the beautiful view wasn’t enough, the kindness of the souls around us radiated positive energy, making us feel at home even though we were so far from it. These people carried the history of the city with them every day, teaching it and passing it on to their children, who will embrace it and spread it around as well. It was very important to pause and take a look around — to just enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime feeling. Surrounded by culture, a unique one that was like no other. The feeling of joy and energy in the air was palpable, shared by everyone there. Time, it seemed, was passing by ever so slowly, everything moving in slow motion.

An overwhelming combination of croissants, macarons, cheese, soup, and much more filled the air with pleasant, yummy smells that made our stomachs beg, louder and louder every time. Passing by hundreds of local bakeries and sweet stores, our noses had the time of their lives, discovering new smells every single passing second. The smell of smoke infiltrated the smells of food, as shady figures often passed by with a lit cigarette nestled between their middle and pointer fingers. Loudly creeping out of alleyways, stumbling down the sidewalk, crashing into trash cans, drunk as a skunk. Sparse patches of gray hair covered their droopy faces, pupils dilated, legs wobbly, shaking tremendously like a building nearing collapse. No sure destination, just wandering around aimlessly, their minds being controlled by the booze. Of course, nothing is perfect, but the magical city more than made up for the minor discrepancies.

The combination of dark, black smoke and enticing, heavenly food created a unique smell that differentiates Europe from the rest of the world. Of course, we easily forgot about these drunken people as soon as we caught another glimpse of our exquisite surroundings: the food, the people, the history, the culture, the architecture, the music, the colors — EVERYTHING! Truly, this place was, and will always be, extraordinary.

The author's comments:

This short piece is based on a trip I went on in the summer of 2019 to Paris and how amazed I was as a travelled through the city.

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