My dad “meeting” Tom Holland | Teen Ink

My dad “meeting” Tom Holland

January 17, 2023
By barbarafolgoa BRONZE, Tirana, Other
barbarafolgoa BRONZE, Tirana, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Inspired by the fear of being average

  For you to understand this story you need to know that my dad is a private plane pilot, so,  that's why he was in the VIP area of the airport. So, it was just another normal work day for my dad. He lands at the Barcelona airport, and wants to relax a little before his next flight. When he enters the airport there are a ton of people screaming of excitement, reporters with cameras all over the place... He thought to himself:   
"I know I did a pretty amazing landing, but it wasn’t necessary all of this just for me."    
Of course he was joking and asked a random lady what was happening, “Excuse me, could you tell me who's all of this for?"   

“Creo que el Spiderman está aquí, y a mi hija le encanta muchissimo,"  she said in Spanish, (this means that she thinks spiderman was there, and her daughter loves him).   
“ Muchas gracias,"  my dad thanked her and left. 
My dad thought to himself,  "doesn't my daughter love the actor who plays spiderman?"  

He was right. He walked towards the VIP part of the airport and there was a huge guard at the door; the guard let him pass, and he was finally out of the huge crowd of people. Now he needed to find Tom Holland in the airport. Then, he realized that Tom Holland was also in the VIP area, and that’s why a guard was at the door. He started looking for him, and he found a group of people at the end of that part of the airport. He didn’t know who he was, or what to do so he called me. I didn’t pick up , so he sent me many messages.  
Meanwhile, I was sitting in my classroom, listening to my math teacher talk about math. I couldn't be more bored.   
When math class finally ended, and it was finally time for recess, I went to the playground, and I looked at my phone; I had 10 missed calls, and 20 messages from my dad. I started reading the messages, and my dad had written that he had just landed in Barcelona, and there were a lot of paparazzis, and people cheering, and screaming, and he had asked what was happening,  and that a lady told him that he was in the same airport as Tom Holland. He had also written that, he didn’t know which one Tom Holland was, and that he needed my help, that’s why he had called me. I was going through a rollercoster of emotions. But I couldn't call him because I was in school, so I texted him to ask people who he was. I sent him pictures of Tom Holland anyways, just to make sure. I also asked him to take pictures, ask for an autograph, take many videos, just literally anything. He told me he would do his best to find Tom Holland, and to do everything I had asked him.  

When school was over, and I went home, I called my dad. He picked up, and I asked him what exactly had happened, and for him to show me the pictures. He sent two pictures, and a video and said that's everything I have. One of the pictures was Tom Holland's bodyguard, the other one was Tom Holland's brother, and finally the video he sent me was the bodyguard, then Harry Holland entering the airport, he cut the video when Tom Holland was about to enter, we can see his face for a second, and then my dad just stops recording, because he thinks all of the important, and famous people have already passed. He also told me that he had asked a man he thought was Tom Holland to take a picture with him, he said he preferred not to, so my dad took a paparazi photo of him; this man was the bodyguard. After I told my dad who the people he took a photo of where we laughed so much. I do think my dad could've done a better job at finding who Tom Holland is; but now he's prepared for the next time something like this happens.  

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