Just Over 6000 | Teen Ink

Just Over 6000

January 17, 2023
By haas_jj BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
haas_jj BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve lived for a long time, it seems like. I’ve lived through what sometimes feels like forever. I’ve lived through tough times. I’ve lived through good times. I’ve lived through dangerous times. I’ve lived through just over 6000 days. 

Zoom, driving around at 11 o’clock at night in my clunky jeep. It was a silent and dark night, however, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. There was a four way stop in the distance and I started to break. The music was loud and powerful. I was beating at my ears. I stopped. I ran through the motions of stopping at a stop sign. I looked both ways and started to creep forward. Something in my head told me to stop one more time. Then all of the sudden, a car came zooming by like a bullet train and blew straight through the stop sign. 

Still living on.

Learning to live. Learning to laugh. Learning what is right. Learning what is wrong. Learning not to lie. Learning what is expected. Learning why. Learning for just over 6000 days.

The origin of my last name comes from Germany. In German, Haas means hare. Haas doesn’t mean hare to me. When I was given the last name Haas, it becomes a lifestyle. It is a standard that we are held up to in the family; is to always do and be great. Haas means strong, in my eyes. Haas is a gift given to me at birth, and my family will help me live to that standard until they can’t anymore. As I will for them. 

Still learning what is expected.

I remember living through good. I remember living through bad. I remember learning to remember. I remember learning to laugh. I remember not to take everything seriously. I remember never lying. I remember for just over 6000 days.

Losing people. Lost is one of the hardest things to remember in life. Losing my grandfather was the instant I learned that all good things do not last forever. I learned that I need to cherish what was given to me and use its ability to the highest degree. Now that my grandfather is passed on, now all I can do is remember. Remember the good times, remember the bad. But now I can only remember, not experience presence. 

Still Trying to remember what I have lived and learned.

Life isn’t forever. It is enough time. Enough to make a difference. Enough to leave your mark. It’s enough to learn. It’s enough to live. I have only used just over 6000 days. So now it is my turn to be remembered.

The author's comments:

This is how my life has played out so far.

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