Things I Don't Get | Teen Ink

Things I Don't Get

January 18, 2023
By Anonymous

Things I don’t get


I do not believe soulmates exist. The idea of soulmates has always been such a fascinating subject to me because to think that there is one person out there that fits you so perfectly that no one else can fill the missing piece is outrageous. To even consider soulmates exist, how does one know? The easy answer is you just feel it but what about the people who thought every partner they have ever had was their soulmate, what then? Shouldn’t that feeling be so distinctive that it could not physically match another? My theory is that soulmates don’t exist but love does. I know I’m getting ahead of myself with this love nonsense even though I’ve been pessimistic so far. But, in all these cases of “soulmates” love was involved. That chemical reaction that makes us all feel good inside. Love, the word many are afraid to say and others say it way too freely. See, this word I have always understood. Love courses through most of us and with this understanding of love I realized I understood soulmates as well. A soulmate is love but love is not a soulmate. With this realization, soulmates do not exist in my eyes but that doesn't mean they cannot exist in others. 


One thing that should not exist is socks because I do not get them. I wear them of course because it’s socially unacceptable to not. I get shirts, pants, and other little clothes humans came up with but socks. Especially while in bed. This concept gets me a little heated because why are you wearing socks in bed!? I know socks are worn for warmth sometimes blah blah blah, but when you are in bed and have socks on that should be a crime. The bed sheets are making your feet warm, so why wear the socks!? I just don’t get it truthfully. The one that gets me especially mad is no-show socks! They slip off your foot every chance they get so I know they aren’t making people’s feet warm and you can’t even see them for the fashion part! I know I’m supposed to come up with a little resolution here, but I honestly think I will never understand socks. 

Best Pizza in the World

I do not get the hate for pineapple pizza. It’s an absolutely delectable pizza. You get the sweetness from the pineapple and the savory part of the sauce. It is the best invention man has ever created. If I could go back in time and sell my soul to eat the first pineapple pizza made I would. That’s how much I love it. This is my short and sweet (get it) point on pineapple pizza.

The author's comments:

Just some things I just don't get. My name is Erica and I am a senior. 

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