Dancing in the Sky | Teen Ink

Dancing in the Sky

May 23, 2023
By Sandystorm711 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Sandystorm711 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love was no longer jealousy, it was peace"

My small fingertips grip my dad’s hand as we walk along the winding sidewalk. Waves hit the rocks washing up the remnants of Milwaukee onto the shore, so powerful yet so mesmerizing. The wind unforgivingly rolled off of the lake into the park, carrying the thousands of bright colored butterflies, boats, and fancy decorated paper kites to the sky.
 “Daddy daddy! Look at that one,” I cried, jumping up and down and pointing to the small purple dot way up in the sky, hovering right above the little ice cream truck. I watched as the master of the kite pulled its two strings, dancing on the ground to make his puppet dance in the sky. 
“Daddy can I fly one too?” I questioned, not taking my eyes off of the performance unfolding before my eyes. 
“Yeah, let’s go pick one out.”
Still gripping his hand, we walked over to the rows and rows of  the Milwaukee Kite Festival vendors, looking for the perfect dance partner. Purple triangles, paper butterflies with orange and pink wings, and some shaped like rocket ships, each vendor had hundreds of sky decorations to choose from. Then I saw it. It looked almost exactly like the beautiful purple kite gliding above the ice cream truck. It had two strings and a baby blue and purple design following the wings of the kite. It was perfect. I released the grip on dads hand and reached my arms out to wrap them tightly around the kite of my choice. I waddled back to my dad, tripping over the bottom of my perfect selection.
“I want this one,” I said, peeking around the side. 
He gently lifted the kite from my arms and placed it back where I grabbed it—but before I could bargain for this one of a kind piece, he held up the smaller version to me.
“Let's start small and I’ll get you some ice cream after; how about that?”
Wisconsin has a lot of things. It has wind, water, and people ready to fly. Managing to create the perfect windy day to find yourself a partner to dance with in the sky.

The author's comments:

Going to the Milwaukee Kite Festival is a core memory of mine, I loved the way it made me smile and so many people around me

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