Why Love Wisconsin | Teen Ink

Why Love Wisconsin

May 24, 2023
By 4nowak SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4nowak SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I love Wisconsin, 

I love the summertime, how I can take walks in the parks, go around downtown Oconomowoc and then watch the fireworks, but before that when it's finally warm me, my brother, and stepmom go to the beach and watch the world turn, going on the boat just the next day when the water is a dark blue and the sun is setting and the weather is warm not too cold but not to hot. Driving with the windows down to get custard from Culvers, or going to Kiltie. The amazing food from the Public Markets and the State Fair. Waiting for when I go up north and have ice cream from the ice cream station in Wausaukee, and, a pizza from Nimrods or Paris in Pemnine,  and a burger from north woods. Going to the Dells to get family photos at vintage photos, going to Noah’s Ark and Mt. Olympus. Seeing games of teams you love and being able to show how much you love them, being able to love where you are from and be proud you know where you are.

I love the fall, driving to Door County to just sightsee, and see something that feels new but all so similar, going to Wilson’s to get cherry pie and a taste of what the 50s was like, or maybe a pizza from Wide Tomato. Going to Basse’s farm for pumpkins and the hayrides and then Pattersons for apples and cider and anything else you might need, watching how the leaves around are going to red, orange, and yellow. Going to the Polish, German, and October fest to celebrate what makes Wisconsin really home. celebrating with family and once it's all done being able to celebrate what really matters—family. 

I love the winter, walking on the frozen lake, ice skating, making snowmen, watching all the lights go up for Christmas, Candy Cane Lane, watching the snow fall, staying inside and drinking hot chocolate well the fire is going and the movies are playing, 

I love the spring, the flowers showing up wherever I go, it just getting warmer and warmer, watching the rain fall down, and being able to start driving with the windows down, seeing movies and then going to the stores after, shopping with my friends at Brookfield mall, marshalls, going to my grandmas, knowing the school year is almost over and waiting for the finale bell of the year knowing its almost summer time, going out in the yard to help with yard work or sit and talk.

This is why and why I will always love Wisconsin

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