Live Without | Teen Ink

Live Without

September 26, 2023
By 5miscikowski BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5miscikowski BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

While looking at my list, I found it difficult to actually pick just one thing that I couldn't live without, because I found everything really important to me, but the thing I chose to take with me was my 2016 family photo. I chose this because of a couple of reasons. One reason being that it was one of the only family photos that we ever took together, because we really don't do stuff like that anymore, not saying that we don't do much stuff like that anymore, like we still find ways to have fun as a family, and actually, we are gonna take another family picture in October, cant tell you the exact day but I know we are gonna be taking another one  but knowing and seeing what we did once as a family together is important to me, and the picture itself is just something I couldn't live without, because while looking at that picture, I could tell that every smile found on that picture was a genuine smile, because even when we did have our lows as a family, we still love each other. Another reason being that 2016 was just a fun year for me because that was just a year I didn't have much to worry about, I was still pretty young, there was no pandemic to worry about, And during that summer, I just had the most fun I could by hanging out with my friends, even though i can not remember and or tell you what we did as a friend group, I all remember, we just had the greatest time together. One last reason being that, that year, my nephew was either two years old, or just born. And I love my nephew, even though he gets on my nerves, he is just like the little brother that I've always wanted. Because even though I love my brother, I hate being the last of four, and they really don't understand things I find fun, unlike my nephew. Me and my nephew are damn near alike in a lot of ways, we both like talking to people, we both like sports, even though he likes a lot more sports than I do we both like basketball, we both like playing video games. There are a lot more things that we have in common, there is just so much that me and Ethan have in common, that I don't feel like typing it all out. That family picture will always have a special place in my heart.

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